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Was my ex just faking his feelings all along?


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We were together a year.he said he loved me,I'm 31 he's 34.my family loved him too.i ended it in march because he showed anger issues,damaged my door kicking it.amongst some other things,I suspect him of slashing my tyre after an argument.hes been trying to get back with me since and we met up a couple weeks ago.it went really well.then he went cold and said he wanted to be on his own.he lives with his nana and doesn't work..and I've found out he is seeing her carer who is in her mid forties with a crazy ex husband.iv also found out that during our relationship he did the same with another middle aged carer.i texted him that I know,and he even gave her my number she rang me and I told her about his damaging my property. I guess to put her off next day my car was vandalised.i suspect him.what should I do?was he just faking everything with me all along?i feel so hurt. I'm a good person with my own house and a good job with prospects.i know I'm probably better off but I can't help but be hurt.it seems all the truth had come out.

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I'm not sure what a carer is, but you NEED to go no contact and NOT LOOK BACK. This guy is bad news. You need to work on your self-esteem. Trust me, you will thank yourself when you work on your self-esteem. You sound put together, but you're chasing a loser. You need to look inside yourself and figure out why?


I'm not judging, I promise. I've chased losers too. Then I worked on my self-esteem, and although I'm not madly in love with anyone, I also don't chase losers anynmore.

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A carer is someone who is paid to care for his nana.i won't contact him again ever. And my days chasing him are done.but inside I can't help feeling really bad. I won't act on it.im feeling better by the day actually but I still can't help having these nagging doubts about myself now.thanks for your advice

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