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Drunk talk- truth or lie?

Little bluebel

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I've been with my boyfriend 11 months now. Recently we have had a great couple of months and we rarely argue.


A few days ago I had made plans to meet my friends and go for a drink, I invited him and he said he didn't want to come because he doesn't enjoy going out and drinking any more. Later that night we had a stupid argument which resulted in him deleting me from facebook and ignoring my txts. He eventually replied yesterday sayin he "needs time to think" so I left it at that.


Last night was the night I was due to meet my friends so all was good until 3 hours into the night. I was at the bar and happened to turn round and there he was standing with his friends. He said his friend persuaded him to go out, and that's why he was there. I must add, he did not know that I would be in that bar so it's not as if he was out looking for me.


I just ignored him and walked away back to my table and he went back to his friends. After a few more cocktails I went and asked him if he wanted to go outside to talk. I ended up crying and telling him "I feel like you don't care anymore" to which he replied "I love you". This is a big thing for me as he has only ever said it twice in the 11 months we have been together. It was always when he was drunk and through a text.


I asked him why he never tells me that when he's sober and he said " you never tell me either" which is true. I have major insecurity issues and I guess I was waitibg for him to say he loved me first.


I ended up going home with him and left early in the morning because I had work today. He said he'd txt me but I still haven't heard from him.


Do you think he was being genuine when he said he loved me or just telling me what I wanted to hear because he was drunk?


I'm so confused, I feel like he doesn't want to be with me anymore even after he said that last night. I just need an outsiders view on this situation

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Figuring out if his "I love you" was genuine or not is the last thing you should be trying to decipher, IMO.

What I'd spend my time thinking about is why all of his behaviour started after you went out with friends.

Is this a new thing?

Like up until then have you 2 been a fairly solo couple?

Changing up the dynamic and going out with friends is healthy,(again, IMO), but it IS a change the relationship needs to adjust to.

Seeing him @ the bar would PISS me off.

It's not like he needs permission to go out, but to not inform or update you is just plain weird.

Whatever happened to common courtesy?

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go for a beer with Joe. Hope you have a good night."

I find it even more curious that his friends were able to get him to go out & you weren't.

Something is up with him.

It could be innocent & it could be a more serious issue.

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A few days ago I had made plans to meet my friends and go for a drink, I invited him and he said he didn't want to come because he doesn't enjoy going out and drinking any more. Later that night we had a stupid argument which resulted in him deleting me from facebook and ignoring my txts. He eventually replied yesterday sayin he "needs time to think" so I left it at that.


Are you still together or did you break up? This reads like a break up to me...???

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I'm not surprised you're confused. This is a pretty confusing situation.


He deleted you from facebook and said he needs time to think. That does sound like a temporary break-up.


Then you saw each other in a bar, he said he loves you and you guys slept together. Now you are waiting for his text. He is probably wondering what the hell he just did.


My take is that he was drunk by the time he saw you. The "I love you" was genuine and came out when his inhibitions were down. There would not be any logical reason to say it otherwise when earlier that day he deleted you from facebook.


There seems to be a high amount of drama going on which in my experience men hate and cannot handle well. I think you need to pull way back, try to get calm, focus on yourself and just give him the space he needs to think.

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