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Feeling even worse after date

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So my very difficult 6 year relationship officially came to an end a couple of weeks ago, it's been a very rough 6 years with 2 major breakups in between and we just can't handle the relationship anymore. For the first couple of weeks I really came to terms with the break, really took it for what it was... over. I wasn't really sad but just felt empty most days but I knew the breakup was for the best.


Fast forward to today I decided to go on a date with a very nice guy, we spent a lot of time talking and time just flew by it was really nice. But during the whole date I couldn't help but think about my ex, it really made me miss him and for the first time in weeks I felt really sad and wanted to just bawl my eyes out. The last thing he told me was that we broke up and he no longer has to put up with me, that just broke my heart to see how easy it is to just walk away from a 6 year relationship. I get the relationship is over I really do but I will never understand how someone just stops caring.



How can a date with a nice guy make me miss my ex so much? I just don't get it...

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What you should be doing and I recommend this for us both times a thousand is getting stuck into fun things that involve other people. My example (haven't done it yet) will be to sign up for hiphop lessons. Maybe no good time to date but amazingly good time to make more friends, and nurture the friendships you already have.

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But he's walked away from this "rough 6 year" relationship twice.


He's finally gotten it that you two are not compatible. If you were, the last 6 years wouldn't have been so rough that 2 breaks up were necessary. You'd both be able to handle the relationship.


It's only been a couple of weeks since the break up happened. It's too soon to be trying to date other guys. You have a lot of work you need to get through to resolve and put this relationship to rest before trying to divert your focus with someone else. He will only result in being rebound guy and that would not be fair to him.


Be fair. Take some time away from dating. I just read a really good article which said a break up from a long relationship such as yours should go through each of the 4 seasons first before entering into a new relationship. Yeah, that takes discipline--question is: do you have that kind of discipline to be fair to another guy, yourself and a new relationship?

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