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Do you guys think we will get back together later on?


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So we broke up last week and yesterday I was out with my friends drinking and had a bad vibe so I had the urge to text her with I miss you. She said she missed me too and it was hard.


I told her Ill do anything to get her back but she said that she loves me and cares for me and wants the best for me meaning to get my career going and do everything I wasn't able to do when I was with her. She also said let's take time to ourselves cause we both need it and she feels like she's holding me back from my career and also mentioned if I surround myself with success then I'll be a success.


She also said its not like we're over forever and she feels like she doesn't keep me happy. I just replied with every positive thing i can say whenever she said those things. Then she asked if I can promise her to better myself to better myself and be more productive and of course I promised her.


Then she said she's always here for me and it's not easy for her. Then I told her I miss everything and she said everything happens for a reason. Then she mentioned about blocking me on fb cause it's easier not knowing what I'm up to and will unblock me when she feels stronger. She kept telling me to go to sleep and we ended the night with a good night and I love you.

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Ugh, this blocking on facebook thing. Ok, my here's my thoughts for what its worth:


Without knowing the condition of the break up, it sounds quite obvious to me that she wants and needs some space right now. She wants you to figure out what direction you're going and for you to start going there and she wants to do the same for herself. It sounds like she cares very much for you and does appreciate many of the things that you did together. She will miss those things. But she is unsettled by something; either the break up, something in her life that's going on, something in your life perhaps? Something. And she needs to sort that out.


From experience: the more you push, the more she will pull back. The more you pull back, possibly the more she will pull close. Pull too far back, and the elastic band breaks and you two go shooting off into opposite directions. Make sense? You've got to find the perfect tension point on that rubber band, I can't tell you what it is. Give her the space she's asking for, be there for her if she seeks you but don't go running to every little thing she asks of you. Suddenly you start to become too busy to do such and such, and "I'd love to but I have some plans already". And you are always busy on the weekends. Even if you're sitting home playing XBox, you're busy. Let her sort things out and then see how her vibe is once she starts to really reaching out to you.

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I don't know about this elastic band theory. While I would have readily said it makes sense even last week, I have the better part of insight, and Mhowe and Sharky's posts that are really sinking in. The fact is, yes, chasing will push her farther away. But ultimately other than moving on, she will only come back if she wants to, irrespective of NC or LC. IMO Im beginning to come around LC or NC wont ultimately have any real effect for what your ex decides to do. She will come back if she really wants you period. And if she really wanted to be with you she wouldnt have broken up with you. On top of it, she basically said she's going NC by blocking you of fb.


Ultimately healing and moving on are really the only options at this stage. No one can predict the future, but waiting for a certain outcome will only delay your healing and likely work in your disfavour.

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