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Ex left her ex for me(I'm also an ex) and left me for another ex


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Haha yea for sure. Crazy thing is this guy she is with, they never dated. They hung out a few times hooked up and what not. The crazy thing of all though is she just moved 2000 miles away to live with him. And from what I've heard, even from her, is that he is a huge , cheats and refers to girls as es. Now I myself am no , I'm confident, in shape, I'm even a bit of an a hole myself. Annnnnd when we got back together 6 weeks ago she found out I was moving in December and she said she wanted to go with me. Then all of a sudden I'm hit with this crap.

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Yea I had the feeling. We dated for 2 1/2 years. Then she met the guy she is with now, never dated. Then she met the guy she left to be with me. They were only together for 2 months.

When she came to me I told her I had trust issues with her since we had stayed in touch over the breakup and even hung out from time to time. The sad thing is, is that I know she's crazy but I still love her and care about her.

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She said she felt all this pressure that we were moving to fast. And then I give her some space and she does this. I think she's afraid to stay committed. It sucks because we were having an awesome time being back together at least I thought....I don't see this working out personally....maybe she'll enjoy being in a new place, but moving in with someone right away? I don't think that's very healthy. All of our mutual friends agree. Ha and she's mad at me for thinking I was the one to make her friends mad when in reality, she did it to herself when that a hole put pictures of them up on Facebook together. Everyone found out that way and knew she was with me.

And I still want to reach out to her! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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You're right. I hate that she has done this to me and yes, I do know it was a possibility. But, I still can't help the way I feel about her. Hopefully it will pass. Crazy thing is I move in December and will be 3 hours away....I have this f'd up feeling that she might try to come back again if things don't work out....but I'll know what to do this time.

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You're right. I hate that she has done this to me and yes, I do know it was a possibility. But, I still can't help the way I feel about her. Hopefully it will pass. Crazy thing is I move in December and will be 3 hours away....I have this f'd up feeling that she might try to come back again if things don't work out....but I'll know what to do this time.


I went thru the same thing and had the same feeling you have, it plain stinks! I felt i was played a fool but i got over it, i was told everything by a guy we both knew and he told me everything and after i looked into what he said it was all true. Little did i know at the time this guy we both knew had hooked up with her a few times years ago and had feelings for her(4 years later). The truth always comes out and i saw his motive for trying to sabotage us after finding out but in the end he did me a favor as that was not the kind of girl i was looking for. Im not going to say the girl i was with was a BOLD FACE LIAR but i will say that her MASK fell off and i was smart enough to see it and run away

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She said she felt all this pressure that we were moving to fast. And then I give her some space and she does this. I think she's afraid to stay committed.


I have to disagree with the above. I think she likes variety and the thrill of the chase, which all seems to point to immaturity. You can do better than this...

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I think too many exes spoil the broth. When someone jumps back and forth between exes like that they have issues that have nothing to do with you. It's time to move on and find someone a bit more focused on the future and present than someone who keeps returning to the past with a "but maybe I liked this one better or that one" kind of mentality.

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Of course it unfriends her.lol. The whole point of blocking is that the person no longer has access to any information, news etc about you. That's a given. Regretting the block, are you? Cause it also means that even if you unblock her in the future you won't be able to have full access to her page unless she has a public profile. Don't sweat it. I think its a good thing for you to do in order for you to move forward and move on. I did it to my most recent ex. I don't regret it either. It helps the healing process.

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