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This could get interesting. 30 year age gap....


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Thanks for your opinions everyone! At this point I'm just going to see how things play out when I see him next week. We emailed back and forth a little this week but I'm going to drop doing that for now so I can think about this situation without distraction.


Smart thinking lady! Good luck with whatever you choose.

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I am away on holiday right now so I am going to send you a PM soon with my thoughts.


I have been with a man almost 40 years older than me. Honestly, if you're on the fence about kids and having mind blowing sex well into the future isn't a huge priority, it isn't a problem.


I would say that it's a good thing that he hasn't married. It's sad how everyone expects everyone to he divorced with 2+ kids in tow, sharing custody with some bitter DC by age 40. Now, I'd be a little worried if a guy got to 50+ without ANY relationship but marriage? Maybe he's picky and hasn't found anyone worth marrying. That's very possible. Let's be honest, it can be hard finding someone worth marrying.


My ex bad been divorced for several years, ex wife had long since died too. He had a few step sons but no biological children of his own and got crap for that. People wondered why he didn't want one of his own with his wife. Expectations are bizarre.


Bottom line: men are men. If people find it creepy, it's because they associate all older men as being fathers, not partners. If you are open to it, it's definitely worth a shot.

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If there's a spark there then why not take him up on his offer? He showed an interest in getting to know you better. You could always spend some more time getting to know him and then if you don't like what you see you don't have to arry it further.


I have a friend who is 21 and just married a 57 year old man. They are the happiest couple I know.

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If there's a spark there then why not take him up on his offer? He showed an interest in getting to know you better. You could always spend some more time getting to know him and then if you don't like what you see you don't have to arry it further.


I have a friend who is 21 and just married a 57 year old man. They are the happiest couple I know.


Hi girl! I'm curious, how did these two people meet, how long did they date, how long have they been married? Not gonna lie, one of the reasons I'm not freaked out about my older guy being interested in me is partly because I am over 25. I've been to school, worked, dated, had life experiences etc (though I know there are many more to go). Someone being under 25 dating so much old seems weird to me. Perhaps it just my cultural up bringing though!

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Just for the record...there is "mind blowing sex" with men over 50...just sayin'


Lol, thank you for the over 50 perspective! Since so many people have commented on it I will say this, I am happy have sex once or twice a week once I am in a relationship. In the beginning its more of course.

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Of course great sex can be had in the 50s and beyond. I am just saying, and I'm sure you know this, if you are expecting lots of great sex for several decades, it probably won't happen. Or it will at least slow down quite a bit. You may be in your late 40s and wanting it more but he may not be able to. But that's okay because you can always find other ways to get off.


My ex had so many health problems that we were unable to have it much. When we did have it, it was good.


That being said, I have a weird ability to "switch off" my desire for sex whenever I want and I was fine without the sex. If I were single and met the perfect man who wasn't into sex as much, I would not let that hinder me. I know everyone's prioties are different though.


You'll hear from me soon

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Hi girl! I'm curious, how did these two people meet, how long did they date, how long have they been married? Not gonna lie, one of the reasons I'm not freaked out about my older guy being interested in me is partly because I am over 25. I've been to school, worked, dated, had life experiences etc (though I know there are many more to go). Someone being under 25 dating so much old seems weird to me. Perhaps it just my cultural up bringing though!


Well, they actually started talking online because of several mutual interests. She was still living at home, and her ultra religious Mom kicked her out of the house at 18. She went to a women's shelter. They talked online from the women's shelter and he came and picked her up from there a few days later. They've been together ever since. They were together two years before they got married.


I know a lot of people are going to read this and think it sounds really dysfunctional, but they are happy together, and they aren't hurting anyone, so more power to them.

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Well, they actually started talking online because of several mutual interests. She was still living at home, and her ultra religious Mom kicked her out of the house at 18. She went to a women's shelter. They talked online from the women's shelter and he came and picked her up from there a few days later. They've been together ever since. They were together two years before they got married.


I know a lot of people are going to read this and think it sounds really dysfunctional, but they are happy together, and they aren't hurting anyone, so more power to them.


This story would make a really good romance novel.

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Well, they actually started talking online because of several mutual interests. She was still living at home, and her ultra religious Mom kicked her out of the house at 18. She went to a women's shelter. They talked online from the women's shelter and he came and picked her up from there a few days later. They've been together ever since. They were together two years before they got married.


I know a lot of people are going to read this and think it sounds really dysfunctional, but they are happy together, and they aren't hurting anyone, so more power to them.


You are right. It sounds very dysfunctional to me.


That doesn't mean sometimes people don't live in arrangements that stem from connecting through mutual issues and have some happiness and growth together.


But I sure wouldn't recommend it for anyone. She basically is the anti thesis of what I admire in a woman - she turned to an older man when she should have been learning it for herself. bleh.

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You are right. It sounds very dysfunctional to me.


That doesn't mean sometimes people don't live in arrangements that stem from connecting through mutual issues and have some happiness and growth together.


But I sure wouldn't recommend it for anyone. She basically is the anti thesis of what I admire in a woman - she turned to an older man when she should have been learning it for herself. bleh.


I actually agree with a good portion of this. I thin 99.9% of the time this kind of thing is unhealthy.


WHF, this 21 year old, is she going to school/working? I think its one thing to just let a man take care of you versus accepting help while you get on your feet. If she is doing things outside of this marriage that expand her man, gain job skills, etc then IMO, there is a higher likelihood that the relationship will last and is healthy.

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