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skinny girls vs. "thicker" girls

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I was just wonering what the general consensus was of the board regarding what the guys found attractive in females. I know every guy is different and there is no single answer but i just wanted to know what the guys here thought.


Do males (you) like skinny females or girls with a little meat on them not overweight just not supermodel/rail thin?

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Do males (you)


I'm not a male, but I am bi-sexual. So, I figure I could answer this question because I do look at females just like males do.


Okay, well there was a similar question just asked by a guy but about six packs. I replied to his post also.


For females, I don't want anyone rail thin. I'd like them to have some meat on their bones, it's nice to have something to hold on to.


It's not what is on the outside any way it's what it on the inside. Apperance really does not matter.


I would just like meat on their bones, knowing they are healthy and they eat. Male or female.



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I've found that guys usually are attracted to what they are themselves.. If a guy is tall and thin, he'll usually go for a girl who's tall and thin. If he's heavy, he might feel comfortable with a girl who's the same way. I'm average weight, so I don't like skinny nor overweight girls. I like for them to have meat, especially in the lower area (thighs, butt, etc).

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90% of guys will say they like girls who are thin but not rail-thin. I mean that makes sense, right? But my impression is that most guys like girls who aren't super skinny, but are a bit less than average..so they have a really toned tummy or something.


But if the guy is average weight he'll probably prefer a girl who's average..just like people usually prefer people who are around the same level of attractiveness. Since I was objectively better looking than my boyfriend I think he felt really insecure about his looks..he tried losing weight, changing his style, and even asked that I didn't wear any makeup (and I wore really light makeup - like just mascara & lip gloss), heels, or my hair up because I'd look more average that way (although he said he just preferred it, I know this was the real reason..)

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I like girls that I can throw around and are bendable. A little meat isn't too bad.


I had a roommate that was like 5'4 and weighed about 110 pounds. His girlfriend was lik 6 foot something and had to be over 250 lbs. She was just huge! They reminded me of Kermit and Miss Piggy.



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I have never been rail skinny, I ain't grossly over weight, and I ain't been on a Mcdonalds diet for several years. I am thick and that is the way it is. Personally if a guy don't like me and my body type because I don't run 4 miles every day, that is his problem and not mine. They all want a chick that isn't high maintenance, but then the issue comes up.....Isn't working in a gym 4 times a week high maintenance?


I can say this, I excercise, eat right, and I do run and walk, but genetics are genetics and I will never be a size 6. And I am pretty toned for a thick chick so my weight will be higher because muscle weighs more than fat.


And by the way I am big and my husband is the complete opposite

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I'm not a male, but I am bi-sexual. So, I figure I could answer this question because I do look at females just like males do.


Is it me or is bisexuality a trend just now? It seems awful popular to be bisexuel if you're a teen? Oh weird and funny. Seems like our society is exploring new horizons.


As for women, the best is really someone relatively thin with nice breasts (not flat) and a small behind. But no one is perfect.


I really don't like supermodels. I don't even know why they call them that way. What's sexually appealing about a bag of bones? Show some shapes! ahhhhh... yeah.


I would prefer a slightly overweigth girl to some bonebag any day of the week.


I hope this answer your question, kind of.



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I like women of almost any size, as long as they aren't stick thin or very flabby. I find the most attractive women are of a healthy body weight for their height (this can range from thin to thick and still be healthy and attractive) and have a nicely proportioned female form.


As you can see I'm not picky at all when it comes to women of different sizes. Sometimes I think that I may be strange in that way because it seems like everyone else I know is way pickier than me when it comes to judging a woman as being attractive or not. At my workplace we get a copy of the Toronto Sun newspaper every day and they have a photo of a "Sunshine Girl" in every issue. I have heard all of the guys I work with and a couple of the girls too (they're bisexual) evaluating the Sunshine Girl each morning and being really picky about certain things about her. They have even gone as far as saying that the Sunshine Girl was ugly one day and I thought she looked good. Sure, she may have not been what most people consider to be a "supermodel," but she was still nice looking. Some of their comments have even made me angry because they can get really shallow and crude. I dunno, I guess I just have a more universal taste when it comes to women of different sizes and shapes than most guys.

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well i'm not a big guy, i don't have much fat on me. i've got muscles, but i'm not huge. relatively slim i guess.

thing for me is that i prefer a girl to be smaller than me, i guess it's just instinctual, so it's pretty much thin girls for me. at the same time, i don't want them to be super thin, because that looks really unhealth to me. so i like curves, but also want them to be somewhat lean too.


i don't know about other guys. i'm not sure if bigger guys or fatter guys prefer girls around their shape, or like thin girls too.

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It depends on how tall the girl is. If a girl is tall, I would expect her to be 140 or 150 pounds or even more. However, if a girl is only 4'11, then it would be normal for her to be only 100 pounds or so. Anyway, it doesn't matter if a person is overweight, as long as they are healthy. I know lots of fat people who are are strong and healthy, while there are skinny people who are lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I prefer thickier solid girls


If you lived in the caribbean you'd feel the same way as do as solid girls look far better in tights and swim suits than skinny girls like Paris Hilton and many of those celebrities. Hell JLo and yes I said it JLO is below average in the Bahamas. Our women look far better in swimsuites than she'll ever look. Her butt her nice but it falls short of the butts our women are blessed with.


So am I attracted to skinny women; not really bc the women down here are far too attractive. Skinny woman gets lost in the crowd to easily.


Besides what are u gonna grab on to; pelvis? ribs? femur? I can't see how they can say those women in the Mrs. Universe Pagent and Victoria secret are sexy, they're friggin skin and bones man. Look at Serena Williams, Halley Berry, Vivica Fox, Melissa Ford, Ki Toy Johnson, Esther Baxter. Those women are personify sexy! And they are very attractive and no matter where they go, they turn heads; not bc of their celebrity status but bc they are fine as hell! If you think Paris Hilton his hot; get ur eyes fixed she looks sick, so does Mischa Barton, and most of those girls u see on TV shows.


Don't believe me?


Guys get ready to drool.


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These are among the sexiest women on earth and if you wanna see more, come to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Caymen Islands or the Turks and Caicos and you'll never wanna leave. They don't call us paradise for nothing.


Now that is hott and sexy! If u like skinny girls more power to you; but imagine those hot thick thighs wrapped around you. Don't u wanna tap that?

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personally i wouldnt be likely to go out with someone who, if wearing a bikini, had ribs obviously sticking out.


exactly, I hate the skeleton look. And some of those skinny girls look like 8 year old boys. (yuck). unless they have massive implants!


Now, its rude to criticize fat people and so it is equally rude to criticize skinny people. BUT, the real skinnies are just not eating!!! Come on, eat some good food and put a little meat on your bones, its more healthy!

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You are right on the money 69 King! The skinny girls do look like feminine boys and worse, look as though they'll topple over in high winds. And like I said, imagine holding ya gal and you feeling her pelvis and ribs; you have nothing to sqeeze, no a**, no breasts, no thick thighs to press up on and of course virtually no sex appeal.

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