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Why do girls like to do this to me?


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I find it pretty common for me for girls to come up and greet me by touching me on the chest. I'm not much of a touchy person so I feel a bit uncomfortable, especially since they linger their hand there for like 5 seconds while they talk to me. Just so you know, I DO work out... but I don't know why they have to touch me on the chest. It's a little more awkward when they make a comment about my chest after they do that... And I would like to understand why they do this, especially since I can't understand because if a guy did that to a girl they'd probably get arrested for sexual assault.

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haha... just be thankful.


On a serious note, why not just call them out in a funny way. "Oh, is this a new way of greeting? Hand on the chest?"


A lot of girls know the power of touch in building attraction, sounds like they are just being forward. Where do you hang out when this happens? I'm guessing it's not random girls in the office and Starbucks...

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Tell them to go lower next time. Kidding, some women are forward and they know they can get away with touching you.


Really? I've been told by people I'm a hard to approach guy. I kind of have that look on my face that says "don't screw with me"... I don't see why touching would be any easier


haha... just be thankful.


On a serious note, why not just call them out in a funny way. "Oh, is this a new way of greeting? Hand on the chest?"


A lot of girls know the power of touch in building attraction, sounds like they are just being forward. Where do you hang out when this happens? I'm guessing it's not random girls in the office and Starbucks...


Every time I hang out with girls? Not random girls, but after I get to know a girl most of them will do this to me. If not the chest, which is the most common place, they'll run their hand down my arm, and I've even had some run their hand down my jawline or through my hair (my hair is kind of a medium length). I feel like genie in a lamp, rub me and you'll get a wish.

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Umm...is it because you're like HOT?


My one buddy is drop-dead gorgeous dude, built, sweet - never ever knew all the ladies wanted to jump his bones, and would even throw themselves at him.


It's the ugly-duckling syndrome - clueless at how hot you are.


Think of touch as a way to release oxytocin - it's good for you. Now if these girls are skanky, oh well, just don't return the favor. Other than that, just accept it towards your hotness scale. If you are pretty fugly, they wouldn't do that, like, at all.

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Are you built, by any chance? Ever thought that "dont screw with me" makes you look more assertive/confident? Because that's attractive too.


But, what guynextdoor said.


(But seriously, if it bothers you and it's not something you want to become comfortable with, just let them know you're not a touchy-feeling person)

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That means they like you. I haven been groped before and i just sat there confused. It can get annoying, they usually put their arm around me and reach around and place their hand right on my chest, or grab hold of both of my shoulders and squeeze.


I also have an unapproachable demeanor, you'd be surprised how even that attracts them more.

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Yes, there are women who will grab when they shouldn't too. I had a friend who used to go around smacking guys on their butt if she thought they were cute. She was totally clueless that it was just as much an invasion of personal space to a man as it would be to a woman. Sigh. It means you're obviously nice looking and you've got a chest that stands out in some way or draws the eye. Don't ask me to explain it, but you've probably noticed with women how sometimes you'll just find your eyes traveling to a certain body part almost of their own volition, right? Well you probably have a chest that does that to women. Heck I've been known to walk into a telephone pole or two just staring at a man's eyes since some of them are seriously beautiful and I have a thing for blue eyes. But still if someone is touching you and you didn't ask for it and aren't comfortable with it, then by all means feel free to speak up.


Or just perfect the quick joke and sidestep them although I know from experience that won't usually deter the aggressive ones. Blechhh, why do we not learn as a society to not put our hands on another person's body if they didn't ask us to? This brings back all sort of bad memories from my pregnancies when my stomach suddenly became community property everywhere I went.

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Ew I would never do this to a guy that I wasn't at least dating. I feel that chest, face and hair are off limits unless or until I am intimate with a man. Just simple boundary rules, no? These girls are quite aggressive i guess and I could see how it might be off-putting if you are not a touchy person. I don't even know how you could deter this kind of attention other than just removing their hands from your body or turning away from them when they start groping you.

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Ew I would never do this to a guy that I wasn't at least dating. I feel that chest, face and hair are off limits unless or until I am intimate with a man. Just simple boundary rules, no? These girls are quite aggressive i guess and I could see how it might be off-putting if you are not a touchy person. I don't even know how you could deter this kind of attention other than just removing their hands from your body or turning away from them when they start groping you.


Physical boundaries are a very subjective thing. I've found that just acting like and adult and voicing your problems usually works pretty well for stuff like this...

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Most guys welcome being touched, so we women are usually given quite a bit of leeway to do it. But I can see how a guy with an amazing physical feature would attract way more touch than the average Joe.


If she's attractive to you and you don't want to scare her away, just lift her hand off of you and say, "Do that again and I'm going to have to start charging you my hourly rate." With a clear movement backwards.


If she's repellent back away and say, "Please. Do. Not. Touch. Me." Loudly. Being loud and monotonously repetitive and serious usually scares people away.


And this sounds so wrong to me to say because if the genders were reversed, I wouldn't like it AT ALL...but if you dress in a way that hides your assets completely, that could help.

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Are you built, by any chance? Ever thought that "dont screw with me" makes you look more assertive/confident? Because that's attractive too.


But, what guynextdoor said.


(But seriously, if it bothers you and it's not something you want to become comfortable with, just let them know you're not a touchy-feeling person)


I'm okay. I workout but I'm not buff or anything, I'm just in decent shape since I workout. Actually people tell me the face makes me look pissed off and people are afraid they'll make me mad Got it from my dad.. Not such a good thing.


Most guys welcome being touched, so we women are usually given quite a bit of leeway to do it. But I can see how a guy with an amazing physical feature would attract way more touch than the average Joe.


If she's attractive to you and you don't want to scare her away, just lift her hand off of you and say, "Do that again and I'm going to have to start charging you my hourly rate." With a clear movement backwards.


If she's repellent back away and say, "Please. Do. Not. Touch. Me." Loudly. Being loud and monotonously repetitive and serious usually scares people away.


And this sounds so wrong to me to say because if the genders were reversed, I wouldn't like it AT ALL...but if you dress in a way that hides your assets completely, that could help.


I do dress in a conservative way @_@ But I think you can easily tell if someone has muscle. I don't wear baggy clothes, I wear somewhat fitted clothes because it is more comfortable. After working out for a while all my clothes became fitted anyways O_O


I do actually move away very awkwardly when they touch me because I am, unfortunately, one of those guys that is somewhat good looking but very socially awkward unless I've known the person for a while.

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