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Another girl


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Been dating a guy for almost 2 months. We get along very well, spend a lpt of weekends together. I know (from snooping and a little obvious instagram feeds matchi g) he's been seeing another girl. Sleeping w her I assume as well. I was going to cut off w him but last two weeks he started introducing me to friends who said how much he told them about me and how much they looked forward to meeting. I made dinner the other night which he loved very much and sent pics to family and friends. In the last couple of weeks hes been communicating w me lots, spending time etc. Im on a business trip this week in Europe. (yay me). But when isaw his instagram/her instagram she is posting pics from his apartment.

Im so disheartened and depressed. He doesnt know that I do...we didnt officially have an exclusive conversation but whenever i raised questions - he said he is working, isnt telking me he is seeing someone else. Ie he isnt telling me bec. I think he knows I would leave. I get impression that he likes me a lot, texts me every day and sending photos of me and talking and introducing to his closest friends about

does not seem something casual.

I do really like him. But i cant see myself feeling this way.

What do I do?

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So have the exclusive conversation. Tell him that you like him but you don't want to be one of a few girls and ask him if he's interested.


Gets your point accross and if he lies about it (presuming you're correct) or the girl keeps posting stuff, drop him. I'm not ususally one for testing partners but it seems like a reasonable opportunity to check whether he respects you enough or not.

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The other girl is marking her territory with those photos..


Ask yourself, do you want to date a guy who started dating you and another girl around the same time - including sex? Furthermore, one who hasn't been straightforward about seeing other people, since he's been telling you that when he's unavailable he is busy working..


If the answer is yes, then you have to have the exclusivity talk. If the answer is no, then cut your losses and make sure you have the talk much earlier (it could be as simple as, "I like spending time with you and getting to know you. I'm not seeing anyone else and if you are, I'd like you to let me know.").

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The other girl is marking her territory with those photos..


t m.").


Yes she is marking her territory, it's quite clear. Why is she doing that?

Is she not aware of him seeing someone else? .. And if she is what's the point? Just for me to leave?

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i'm not really good with dealing with these sort of relationship issues. maybe you can just tell him flat out, "Hey - I saw on your twitter account that you're seeing another woman. I'm not really comfortable dating someone who is dating other people......"


Then I think you need to clarify what you want. do you want him to see you and only you? or do you want to break up?

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Yes she is marking her territory, it's quite clear. Why is she doing that?

Is she not aware of him seeing someone else? .. And if she is what's the point? Just for me to leave?


I don't think it's fair to place all of the blame on her, after all she's in the same position as you are in regards to not knowing he may be dating others. Having said that, I'm not sure why you chose to roll the dice and sleep with him, despite not knowing where you stand.


While I agree he was wrong to not tell you he was dating others, you also played a roll here, as well. It's your call, but I wouldn't count on this being a lasting relationship.

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IMO, 2 months is enough time for him to decide if he wants to be exclusive with you or not.


When you get back from your trip, have the exclusive talk. Tell him you like him and you want to only be dating each other.

If he says yes - great!

If he says no - then he wasn't worth you sticking around anyway. He wants to play the field, which is fine, but you want more than that.

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