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Current Job vs Potential New Job - HELP!

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Last March, I left a very stressful job that I absolutely hated, and a week later, was hired by another company. I LOVE the new company but I started at full-time and right before the summer, they had to cut my hours in half due to the fact that the company is basically going through a slump. I waited it out, but now it's October and things don't look like they're picking up - so I decided to be somewhat pro-active and start getting a feel for what's out there right now...just in case.


Well, last week I got a call for an interview and I just returned home from it. It went very well and they want me back next week for a "working interview," which will be paid - and they've asked for my references. So, IF I end up being offered the job, I have a decision to make and I was hoping for some opinions. Here's the breakdown.


The current job (I'm their Administrative Coordinator) is 2.5 miles away and takes me five minutes to get to; I work 24 hours a week, Tuesday through Friday, 8am-2pm, LOVE my co-workers, and my health insurance is covered by them 100%...I also get ten days of PTO (increases to 20 after three years) not including 14 paid holidays off. But while the pay was OK at full-time, it's not great at part-time. The atmosphere is jeans and tees.


The new (potential) job (I'd be their Business Administrator) is 11 miles away and takes about 23 minutes to get to; I'd be working about 36 hours a week, Tuesday through Friday, 8am-5pm. It's too soon to know how I'd feel about my co-workers and I have no idea what the benefits are. However, the pay is MUCH MUCH higher. The atmosphere is business casual.


Because I live with my SO and we go 50/50 on shared expenses, I've been able to make the decreased hours at my current job work - for now. But my car is on its last legs (er, wheels) and I desperately need a new one ASAP. And the idea of such a huge increase in pay, while still having Mondays off, is very, very appealing (especially because we would like to start thinking about kids and/or saving for a house). But I've gotten spoiled by this easy commute, relaxed atmosphere and great co-workers.


Thoughts? Insights? If and when I'm offered the job, my SO will be helping me make the decision, of course, but any immediate feedback from you all would be very welcome. Thanks!

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Here's my thoughts:

Old job.. comfortable, easy commute (can hardly be called commute), good people...lousy pay and decreased hours with no sign of change.


New job: Monday off, pay increase significant... better clothes but not business attire and minor commute. Extra money will allow for life goals...kids, car...vaca!!!


I say, if offered...go for it and grow!

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While I normally would never recommend talking to your current employer about looking for a new job... in very specific instance, I think I might make an exception.


Here's the deal. Your current employer knew when they made the very difficult decision to cut people's hours that employees may leave as a result. It was part of the decision they had to make - and they had to do what they had to do.


For this reason, if the number of hours is your primary reason for wanting to leave, I'd flat-out tell them that you LOVE working there but their recent cutbacks are having a financial impact on you. Go ahead and ask them if they see stuff coming in the pipeline or not. Often, they have an idea what is in the works before you do (depending on the industry).


Really, if they've cut back everybody's hours, they are not likely to rush out and try to find a replacement for you if you were to leave. Rather, they would probably give that work to someone else who want it within the company.


If there is no end in sight from their perspective too - for sure, you should go for the new position.

If there IS an end in sight from their perspective... well... now your decision is even harder (sorry!)

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It depends on what is important to you. Personally I would go for the new job with more hours & better pay. Some people aren't very career ambitious and are perfectly comfortable working fewer hours for lower pay. It just depends on if you want to get ahead in your career or if you are perfectly happy with the shorter number of hours & lower pay for the indefinite future.


Another thing to look at is how either employer does maternity leave. I'm pretty sure there are laws about how many days you get, but see if either goes above and beyond the minimum. What if you wanted to work part-time after you had a child? Once it gets busier, will your current employer let you go back to part time? Would the new employer?

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It sounds like you might need the money from the full-time job if you do want to get that new car. The 23-minute commute also doesn't sound horrible. I'd try the working interview and see if you like the office, and I'd go with that one if I did.



I think I may be leaning in that direction, depending on how the working interview goes. The idea of so much more money is verrrrry appealing.

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I think you've likely made the right decision. I've read a lot of your posts on here and it seems that you're very in tune with yourself and what's best for you.


Thanks, blue! I definitely feel like I know myself pretty well, and if I have one of those, "this isn't right for me" feelings, I tend to follow it.

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