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dating a woman with seemingly different personalities


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hello! i wanted to get some opinions with a woman im currently dating. we have been seeing each other for the past month - usually getting sensual at times but she is comfortable with what goes on at the time (i go along with whatver pace she wants to go at). however, she seems a little withdrawn and distant whenever i try to contact/text her when we're not seeing each other in person.


i do like her....but she seems a bit inconsistent. she liked the idea of being in a relationship about a week ago, and the next day, she contacts me saying that she would rather not talk to me anymore. then the day after, she apologizes and then says that shed like me to be her boyfriend. now she seems distant again and not willing to converse. this is really confusing and frustrating, and i would really appreciate your opinions and suggestions.

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Well, I would be a little concerned to be honest. Are you sure she's not in a relationship already, or maybe she's dating other guys, sort of leaving her options open, so to speak. I wouldn't be able to handle that; I can handle arguments or major differences of opinion, etc, but continuous inconsistent behavior is a turn off (for me) because it may be a sign of a deeper psychological issue. Or, it could be she doesn't know what she wants. So ask yourself do you want to be with someone like this?

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