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Body won't let me swallow food?


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For the past few days, my body will physically refuse to swallow food, I have to force it and it makes me gag? (Ive even puked once after taking a bite out of a samwhich) no problems with drinking, though. What the heck is this?! I have no eating disorder history or anything, it just popped outta no where.


Edit: it's not accompanied by nausea, just really bad gagging. To the point where I nearly puke it up.

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Can you drink still? And for how long has it been going on?

You can go little while w/out food and even less for fluids.

I'd go get checked out... your body DOES need food/water to survive.


Yes I can drink fine, and id say two days it's been going on. It's just scaring me cause I can't really properly finish a meal. It's like my body's becoming involuntarily bulimic. So weird.

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I noticed you are under a lot of stress lately with your mother and your boyfriend . It is probably stress,you need to learn to calm down. Stress can cause almost every ailment under the sun. And all that extra cortisol running around your body will just destroy it.


I didn't even think of that! That could be it.

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If you weren't under stress, I would consider problems with the Vagus nerve, esophageal reflux or a peptic ulcer. But since you are, I agree with Vic that your stress is probably the cause. Try to find ways to calm yourself. Call your doctor Monday if you still can't eat then.

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If you weren't under stress, I would consider problems with the Vagus nerve, esophageal reflux or a peptic ulcer. But since you are, I agree with Vic that your stress is probably the cause. Try to find ways to calm yourself. Call your doctor Monday if you still can't eat then.


I actually have a check up with my doctor soon, I just remember. I will def. mention it.

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Wow. This is kinda off topic but it does involve the whole not able to eat thing. So I forced myself to eat half a samwhich and some Mac n cheese at lunch at work, and a few minutes later it ALL came back up. I was faint, and shaking, and puking. I told a vet tech about it and she was a royal b and said "well whatever go home if you can't do your job" and one of my fellow kennel workers said "great now I can only take a half hour lunch, wonderful" really? I was PUKING my guts out! Not one person asked if I was okay to drive, or was okay and needed water or anything. I'm never helping those two if they need a shift covered or anything ever. That was so low. Okay, done venting now.

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Hi Bah,


I had a problem similar to this. Couldn't swallow anything for 12 hours. Not water, not my own phlegm (had to keep spitting into a hankie) and not food. My throat would clench and the item would remain stuck until I gagged it up. (sorry for the graphic description)


I went to an emergency doctor and he prescribed a Diazapam suppository. He believed the the problem was pschosomatic (i.e. stress/anxiety induced as Victoria said)


Anyway, the prescription did the trick. I fell asleep shortly after and when I woke up the problem had gone. Still don't know what that was about, to this day.



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Hi Bah,


I had a problem similar to this. Couldn't swallow anything for 12 hours. Not water, not my own phlegm (had to keep spitting into a hankie) and not food. My throat would just clench up and the item would remain stuck until I gagged it up. (sorry for the graphic description)


I went to an emergency doctor and he prescribed a Diazapam suppository. He believed the the problem was pschosomatic (i.e. stress/anxiety induced as Victoria said)


Anyway, the prescription did the trick. I fell asleep shortly after and when I woke up the problem had gone.




Thanks. I'm sure it's stress as well. It will all be sorted out when I see my doc next week.

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Get it checked out for sure. Scarry bottomline: It could just be stress but it could be something worse physically rather then just something mental.


Yeah, the fact that I was able to force food down at lunch today and it still came back up, even though I had NO nausea, is very scary. I will tell my doctor.

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I have known about all kinds of people who throw up due to stress. Is actually very common.


For five years I could often barely swallow food due to a panic disorder. Now that I have my panic disorder really well under control it almost never happens.


That makes me feel better. I'm not too worried, just looking forward to talking to my doctor and figuring it out. I've never had this before, even in my most stressed out times.

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That makes me feel better. I'm not too worried, just looking forward to talking to my doctor and figuring it out. I've never had this before, even in my most stressed out times.


Stress can build up and build up and build up. You have to find effective ways to release it. Stress never acted on my body either until I was in my early 40s. And that is when my body and mind couldn't take it anymore. So learn to release it now.

Here are some things that I use for anxiety and stress.



You will have to find methods that works out for you.

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Stress can build up and build up and build up. You have to find effective ways to release it. Stress never acted on my body either until I was in my early 40s. And that is when my body and mind couldn't take it anymore. So learn to release it now.

Here are some things that I use for anxiety and stress.



You will have to find methods that works out for you.


Love love loveeeed your "toolbox". I will be stealing those techniques, btw lol

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