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Latest on my breakup.....what's next?


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Last weekend my ex spoke to me at work, inquiring as to how I was feeling since I had called off sick the previous day. Every time she speaks to me I get choke up and cry. This time she told me "it's been a month since we broke up, you have to move on". I told her that, for me, it was easier said than done because I had my heartbroken. She proceeded to tell me that things are going well with her husband (who she recently decided to reconcile with and cancel her divorce). Later that evening she sent me a text (I wasn't able to block her) asking if I wanted to have sex with her, a woman at work, and the woman's husband! Also asked if I wanted to have sex with her and a guy she recently met at her yoga class! When I asked what her reason was she said "I want to have an orgy". "I want 2 *****". Totally bizarre ****!! Told her how did this make any sense and she responded by saying because she's horny all the time. Obviously with a statement like this she cannot possibly be working on her marriage. She has a different agenda. She then sent me a text saying "I wish you could **** me now". When I asked why she said "I'm horny and my husband's not home".


Next day she texts me saying she wishes we could have sex again but it would be unhealthy for both of us because we would both fall in love again and she couldn't take that chance. She also said she didn't want to hurt me again. I told her to stop ****ing with my emotions. Later that night her whole demeanor changed. She sent me text that basically bashed me. Called me controlling and manipulative. Said that I violated her. Said that I told her what to say and do. Said that she couldn't do anything without my advice or approval. Said that I didn't like some of her friends (some of them were a bad influence) so she stopped going out. Said that I took advantage of her physically, spiritually, sexually, emotionally and psychologically. Said that I brainwashed her!! She seems more unstable now than she previously admitted to being.


(I was finally ale to get the phone company to block her number).



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