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Taking some anti-depressent tabs on top of vodka

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Ok all of you reading this are now saying something to your selves, so I dont care what anyone thinks i have put up with this life for to long now i have waited for something to go right but no, so whats the point carrying on with a worthless life like mine, come people we are only on this world for one thing and that is to help it servive, sorry but it`s a load of crap look at the world and the state we have put it in to, well thats how i feel just like this world it`s screwed up just like my head, any way back to me, well i`m sittling here typing away like a fool we are all fools if we are going to kill our selves then lets done it done just bloody say it don it as im going to as soon as i finish this crap.


The depressive symptoms include:

irritability, depressed mood, persistent sadness, frequent crying

thoughts of death or suicide

loss of enjoyment in favorite activities

frequent complaints of physical illnesses such as headaches or stomach aches

low energy level, fatigue, poor concentration, complaints of boredom

major change in eating or sleeping patterns, such as oversleeping or overeating

Some of these signs are similar to those that occur in teenagers with other problems such as drug abuse, delinquency, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or even schizophrenia. The diagnosis can only be made with careful observation over an extended period of time. A thorough evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist can be helpful in identifying the problems and starting specific treatment.

Teenagers with Bipolar Disorder can be effectively treated. Treatment for Bipolar Disorder usually includes education of the patient and the family about the illness, mood stabilizing medications such as lithium and valproic acid, and psychotherapy. Mood stabilizing medications often reduce the number and severity of manic episodes, and also help to prevent depression. Psychotherapy helps the teenager understand himself or herself, adapt to stresses, rebuild self-esteem and improve relationships.



if any of that sound right then sod it go on do it it`s not your fault that your like this it`s your parents fault, your schools fault, and also societys fault but even after taking in consideration what will people think of what you have done do you think that after time they will be that bothered, ok at the beginging yes but after time they learn to cope but will you care no cos you will be dead the best place for you these days, and as for people having kids whats that all about, look you can see what we have done to the world so why oh why would you want to bring a kid up it, come on people smell the roses if you can smell anything amoungest the pollution, thats why since i have been typing this i have taken a gulp of vodka and a good handful of anti-deppressants so it`s gud`bai to all you suckers out there whom think you can survive in this world

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Hi Cloud-walker,


I once read that people who suffer from depression actually have a more realistic perception of the many evils of the world. So, I absolutely agree with your opinion that there is a lot of bad in the world.


Can this ultimately be changed? I honestly don't have the answer. But I do know that for every good person who decides to check out, the world is that much worse a place. We need the good, sensitive people who actually care about this planet to stay and fight the good fight.


Some battles are worth being fought, whether there is hope for winning it or not.


Change can happen in some of the subtlest ways. For example, suppose you are meant to help someone in the near future in some way? And suppose this change sets off a series of incredibly positive events that result in real change for not just one, but many people? There are so many "what if's".


I have been to the point where you are now. I honestly was ready to say "see ya!" to this often sad, chaotic world. What changed for me was the realization that I'm a fighter - and damn it, I have a true place in this world. Why should I leave just so someone without a heart or conscience can take my place, and basically add to the misery? No way.


I know how you are feeling right now, and it's hard for you to believe, but your perception can and will change with time. Perhaps this is an incredible turning point for you - you know, we often have to hit bottom before we can see the light.


Please continue to post and talk with us. By sharing your experiences, you are igniting a dialogue that we can all empathize with, and maybe offer some feedback that will give you some new perceptions. In short, it could be a learning process for all of us.


I can assure you, you are not alone. There are many of us who have felt like you do right now. You are not nuts, or hopeless - just incredibly sad at the realization that this world has some serious problems. But realization is the first step on the journey of doing your part to help solve these problems, and making the world a better place to be.


- Scout

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What is the cause of your depression?




You gotta stop blaming everyone. If your life sucks, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Depressed? Stop sitting in your room thinking about it. Get out and live! Do things that make you happy. Happiness is a choice man.


Believe me, your life does not suck that bad. At the moment you type this, a man without shelter or money is working his jewels off in order to provide for his family. Someone is watching their kids and spouce beaten and raped in front of them and when he tries to help them, he gets shot. I have a friend who is 16, has no family, no home, and has to take care of 3 little brothers by himself.


You say its not your fault? YES IT IS. Dont blame it on anyone.


The world sucks. Society sucks. Guess what? It will always be like this. You cannot change it. But you CAN change yourself. Stop listening to everything society tells you and live by your own ideals. Do what makes you happy.


What would suicide solve?NOTHING. Be strong enough to cut through your depression and change your life.

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Skyfire, I know you meant well, but honestly you don't know if his life sucks or not. Depression is a real condition, and it's just not that easy to "go outside and be happy." The fact that he came here to post what he's going through is perhaps a positive step in the right direction, though.


I also disagree with you that nothing can change a world that often indeed sucks. PEOPLE can make that change....just because you don't see it overnight, doesn't mean it can't happen.

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Hi Cloud Walker,


It is right that people who suffer from depression at some point see no more positive things in the world. Once the depression and/or anxiety sets in, the negative aspects of your life, or life in general sort of confirm what you already thought, and become bigger.


The positive things start to crumble and shrink until you are simply not able to perceive them. This doesn't mean they are not there. There will be a day that you will see them again. Not because they came back, but because your perception allowed you to see them again.


You are not alone in this. You have come to a good place, were you will find that more people go through similar stuff. I know that being in your state of mind makes you think that no one in this world can possibly have bigger problems than you.


If you have medicines that are prescribed to you, I suppose you also have counselling?


The world around you will not change, until you change yourself. I have experienced that the small things that I hate in life can suddenly make me go crazy when I am already depressed. Maybe it helps you to read some more on this forum.


Keep posting here,




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Hey cloud walker,


Actually your last post proves what is true about depressions. You react to the one post that didn't help you. Because this is what you see. Still there are 3 other posts that offer other insights and come from people who want to help you.


You also give a bit more information, about not being able to go outside. I won't tell you what to do. Because simply, I don't know. What I do know is that you can overcome the issues that in the long term cause depression. Extreme anxieties and phobia lead to a constant state of alertness and an extreme level of adrenaline in your body. The stress and tension that you built up for possibly years, is taking its toll now. You are used to these anxieties, they are now patterns of your life. That is, since they made their way in, they can also make their way out.


Hope you keep on posting us,



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Hey cloud walker,


Actually your last post proves what is true about depressions. You react to the one post that didn't help you. Because this is what you see. Still there are 3 other posts that offer other insights and come from people who want to help you. /quote]


Exactly. Please see the disparity here. There are more empathetic posts here than rude ones. And if you visit some of the other topics under Suicide, you will see there are hundreds of people on eNotalone that respond with genuine concern.


I too don't know how you can overcome your paranoia and your other issues. I only know that each of us has more power and strength than we realize to find solutions that put us on a more meaningful, productive path in life.


Please don't give up.

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hey man,

if it makes you feel any better, you're not alone. most of us here, myself included, have been or am where you are now. the important thing to remember is that you CAN continue living and the rest of your life isn't going to be like this.


there is help out there. you can still live a normal life like everyone else. all is not lost, i promise! take advantage of this short life while you still can. there is a purpose for you i promise. use your strength and experience with life's struggles for something positive. you can do so much. never doubt yourself. i know how special you are and i hate that you don't believe it. you can places and you can do things. take advantage of life while you can! please stick around and please please please don't commit suicide. if you've already ingested pills or something like that, call 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-222-1222. you can still live. or dial 911. get some help now or msg one of us or something. call the police or talk to someone. you can get through this, its not too late.


don't be so hard on yourself. try and have a little confidence. if you maintain this attitude that the world is against you and you'll never win, you're setting yourself up for failture. you can do anything you want and you're just as important as anyone else. don't forget that and don't let anyone convince you otherwise.


i feel almost the same way about my family sometimes. some of the things they do really hurt me sometimes and i wonder how they could be that selfish and uncaring. i'm your family loves you, maybe they just have a weird way of showing it. but hey, if you're unhappy with the way they treat you, it's your life not their's. don't let them get away with treating you that way always and ruining your life. i know it's hard, but you have a life completely separate from your family's. get out of the house when you can. get a job that you don't extremely hate, and if you do hate it, just suck it up long enough to make some money. get out of the house and move if you want. you don't have to listen to your parents anymore. you have so much to live for. you have your entire life ahead of you. a life outside of your parents. you can do something about this. i'm truly sorry this upsets you because i know how it feels, but believe me, if i can do it you can too. i'm not the only one who can beat this suicide thing.


you should go out and try to meet some peoples. you know, concerts, movies, clubs, school, etc. you can do it. just remember - try and maintain some confidence because YOU ARE worth it!


the point is, you're so young and have so much to live for. i know it's hard to see now, but just remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a TEMPORARY problem. this isn't going to be the rest of your life. please don't get lost in your sadness. pull yourself up and realize you CAN live. you can take advantage of this life. things are going to happen for you one day, just believe that they can. the things in your life you're unhappy with, try and make a difference. see what you can do. you're not completley helpless i promise. you can get through this. if you ever want to talk to me or anyone else on this board, please do. we'd love to help you through this difficult time.


try talking to someone..your friend or someone you trust..or one of us. anything you have to do. or if you ever feel really down, watch a good movie or listen to some good music. get a hobby. learn to play an instrument. join a club or organization. study. write. take a walk or exercise. i mean you're gonna have a great job one day as a computer engineer and you're gonna have so many things happen for you if you just stay strong and believe that your life isn't always going to be like this. you can do it. you can get through this.


i know life gets hard, believe me i do. life is a struggle sometimes, but you'd never enjoy the good if you never felt the bad. stick around please and enjoy the good parts of life, because they exist i promise you. you're a strong, wonderful person and i hope you can see that. and again, if you ever ever need to talk to anyone, please msg me or anyone else on here. take care and visit this site


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or call




these really do help, trust me..i've been there. please trust us. we all care about you so much and want to see you live!!


see ya

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Ok after taking 30 anti-d`s im still here why all i ask for is to die, and i cant even get this right, oh well time for plan B, and why is it every time i air my veiws someone out there thinks they know best for me, if thats the case then why are you on here giving othere people advice when it`s you who needs the advice if you was not ill yourself then you should be out enjoying yourself, un like me who can only go out during the night cos im to scared to go out during the day what sort of existence is that NONE thats why all i want to do is die, the only way forward for me is to do something that is quick and painless, right now i`m off to think and look for something that will do the job right, oh b4 i go how about eating lead pellets from a air gun mmmmmmmmm i will try gud`bai !

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You don't want to die. You wouldn't be posting here if you did. I know you want us to THINK you want to die, but you don't. What you want is for the pain to stop. And you've tried everything you can think of and so now dying looks like the only answer. Sound about right?


The other posters have given you some spot on advice. Now its up to you to decide whether you'll take it or not. I understand its hard to see through the pain and make the decision to put up with it long enough to seek some help. Believe me, I've been right where you are. But give it a try. After all, what do you really have to lose by getting some help? It just might work. And the pain you feel can gradually be lessened so that you can have a decent life.


Read the sites that thisisnotanexit gave you. When I was about ready to kill myself, they literally saved me. The other one I'll give you is link removed.


You can get pissed at us if you want. But that doesn't change anything. Get pissed at your DEPRESSION if you want to get pissed at something. I know I get pissed at mine all the time. Thats the thing that lies to me to tell me I'm no good, worthless, have a crappy life, etc. Go ahead, get mad at it. And then go do something about it to destroy it. Depression and pain does not have to rule your life. Take back the control and demand that you have the right to be happy.

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You are so right. I go through many bouts of depression. I used to be on antidepressants but quit taking them about two years ago. Sometimes I do wonder why, especially when things get rough.


I had to make a decision not to let it get the best of me. Not to let it won. My father let his depression win and he hung himself. I do NOT want to go to that dark place. Yes, it is easier said than done and sometimes when I am having a bad day I don't know how I can make it through the day. But I do. I have to. I will NOT live this way and let depression define my life.

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