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Feelings after a one night stand..


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Two weeks ago I met the most amazing, beautiful young man at a party. We had amazing chemistry right off the bat and also shared a lot of interests, mostly music and film. We started making out quite a bit at the party and after he invited me over to his house for some wine.

I got SUCH good vibes from the whole thing that I decided to just go with the flow.

Well, of course we had sex and it was quite amazing. So much chemistry, again.


The next day we kept talking, cuddling for about two hours until I decided I had overstayed my welcome, haha.

I decided to send him a little text, saying I had fun. He responded a day later with a very dry text, so I just shrugged it off.


I sent him a few other friendly texts but he has basically ignored each and every one of them.

I find it so incredibly strange that you can have such chemistry with someone, but after a one night stand you just ignore them? I know it isn't the best foundation for a relationship, and a lot of people find it sleazy.. but this just feels wrong. I am very hung up on this guy after just one night, and it is making me nervous. Have you guys ever had similar experiences? And any advice for me on how to forget about this guy?

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Like Michele said, the tricky thing about chemistry is that one person can feel it while the other person doesn't. He was interested in you, but only enough to sleep with you. I know you're caught up on him but you need to forget about him and move on. Delete his number so you're not tempted to text him. Think about it this way: do you really want a relationship with someone who blatantly ignores a person after he sleeps with her? (I'm not saying he has an obligation to date you, but the least he could do is send an "I'm not interested, sorry" text) That's not the kind of guy you want to be dating anyway.

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We had amazing chemistry right off the bat and also shared a lot of interests, mostly music and film. We started making out quite a bit at the party and after he invited me over to his house for some wine.

...I find it so incredibly strange that you can have such chemistry with someone, but after a one night stand you just ignore them?


I've found that when you're attracted to a guy and he picks up on it, all he has to do is pour on the charm (especially if there's alcohol involved) and he can make you believe he's attracted to you even if he's only looking for a one night stand.


The best way to forget about him is to remember the way he treated you every time you think of him - he might have been good looking, but he was only after sex.

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Well, he is a stranger, so...why even think twice about it? You took a big risk in going home with him that night.


I think you got off easy. You don't know him or what he was/is capable of AT ALL.


So if you get brushed off with a little bit of rudeness, and that is the worst of it, I'd say you came out of it fairly good.


How to forget about it? Put it in perspective. This wasn't some amazing guy who you shared amazed chemistry with. You do not know that. That is all part of what you believed that made it hot. He's just a guy who saw that the iron was hot and went with it.

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Well, he is a stranger, so...why even think twice about it? You took a big risk in going home with him that night.


I think you got off easy. You don't know him or what he was/is capable of AT ALL.


So if you get brushed off with a little bit of rudeness, and that is the worst of it, I'd say you came out of it fairly good.


How to forget about it? Put it in perspective. This wasn't some amazing guy who you shared amazed chemistry with. You do not know that. That is all part of what you believed that made it hot. He's just a guy who saw that the iron was hot and went with it.


I had not thought about it this way, but you are right! Thanks

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Well, he is a stranger, so...why even think twice about it? You took a big risk in going home with him that night.


I think you got off easy. You don't know him or what he was/is capable of AT ALL.


So if you get brushed off with a little bit of rudeness, and that is the worst of it, I'd say you came out of it fairly good.


How to forget about it? Put it in perspective. This wasn't some amazing guy who you shared amazed chemistry with. You do not know that. That is all part of what you believed that made it hot. He's just a guy who saw that the iron was hot and went with it.


I agree you did get off light. You could've been raped or murdered. Count yourself lucky.

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