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hi....it's been a long time since my last post and alot has happened!!


For all you would want to know if things worked out or not.......they didnt...but i've never been happier!! It took me about 3-4 months to get over her but their is no substitute to going out and finding other people.


For all you out there who think that "i'll never get over her/him", "she/he was perfect for me" etc. TRUST me you'll get over it and it'll make you a stronger person for it. i dont think anyone could have loved a friend more than i did and even though i still see her now (every day) i can talk to her without feeling anything at all. the secret is to slowly spend more and more time with new people.......your friend will appreciate you more for it and you'll find people to take your mind of him/her.


I've fallen in love again but my present girlfriend is leaving to go home for good (different country) and even though we'll break up very soon, i'm concentrating on enjoying time with her while she's here. A year ago i probably would have slit my wrists.


so...to summarise...there are plenty of people as good, if not better than, what you may have at the moment. You just need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and go out and enjoy it!! i did it and i couldnt ask for more.


if anyone needs any help then by all means send me a msg!!


take care

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