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come take a ride with Doc Blaze

Doc Blaze

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Well just because you two can't be together right now doesn't mean you can't or won't be together later. I'm a strong believer that if two people are right for each other, they will be together eventually. That being said, I think now is a good time to just focus on you. She will be in school doing her thing, you do your thing and maybe one of you guys will meet who you are supposed to be with and maybe you wont'. Life offers no guarantees but you can make things easier for you by keeping an open mind to everything.


Wanna hear a sweet story? This lady I work with met this guy in church over 30 years ago. Their families and friends all went to the same church. He liked her a lot but she was already in a relationship. He tried pursuing her for a long time but she always politely turned him down because she had a SO. He said to her "I'll wait and one day we'll be together". Well over the years, they both had marriages and relationships and they lost contact but one day fate brought them to a new church 30 years later. Now they were both divorced and he said to her "remember I told you I would wait and when the time was right, we would be together" and they started dating and they got married. Time nor distance will keep two people who are meant to be away from each other.


Now if you two aren't meant to be boyfriend/girlfriend it doesn't mean you guys weren't meant to be good friends. Just a thought.

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so we havent talked much lately but IMO it seems like she finds random reasons to text message me...just stuff that can easily be answered or given to by one of her friends..i mean the convos arent long maybe half an hour of texting every few days...


We have a lot of mutual friends and we talked the other day and i mentioned something on either fb or twitter and she was like yeah i heard about that...and im like how...oh one of my friends told me...so i was like now u have spies looking at what i write..



like why would you spy on my pages and have your friends spy on me if you were trying to get over me..i dont get it...its like she is doing the exactly opposite of everything your suppose to be doing to heal...

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Well a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders....only dangletsbang knows what ive been going through completely..but now that the situation has been worked out i would like to share because i feel really good since yesterday....


It hard to say when your struggling financially..its embarrassing..but i thought i was going to get kicked out of my apartment...my rent up over 3 hundred more a month...plus i started paying school loans so basically at one point i was paying an extra 800 bucks in bills a month...i was ready for them to say pack your bags your out in a week..had my boxes packed everything..went to court...met with their lawyer before to see if we could come to an agreement..he said the landlords love you they dont want you to move you have been great but whats the deal the past few months...i told him my situation and i felt like he really listened so he called the landlords...we agreed on a pay back plan...my rent was also lowered back to the original agreement and now im month to month...i dont have a year lease right now just in case i find a job in another state. The lawyer guy was really cool. At the end the lawyer said now speaking as a Father not a lawyer...he told me to keep doing what im doing and working hard and things will get better for me..so im happy that i dont have to move and can take a deep breath lol

the break up was hard but this financial situation made it worse but now im feeling really good today

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  • 1 month later...

Welll ive been doing good...im still in contact with my ex...we have been doing ok...ive gotten to the point where i can go a few days without thinking about her...we still hang out some..


but she has been going through some tough times..and i tried to help her out and i dont get why people that say they care about you and you try to help push you away...i dont get it..she does this to me and some of her friends...she turns into a *****...i dont even try to defend myself because its like she has left her body and this demon comes out...which brings me back to imagine if we were still dating..it would of been a mess all over again....


I dont get this attitude she has gotten over the past few years..she was never like this before..or maybe she was and i just didnt notice it...


ive learned to stick up for myself and not let her talk the way she does..


still taking thigns day by day...but since the break up i do admitt that have gotten a lot stronger and the urges to talk/text/ hang out have gone wayyyyy down even though some times i do miss what we used to be...

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  • 1 month later...

had an argument with my ex last night...I just got sick of it....we havent been in contact for a while because we both work crazy hours..to be honest it has actually helped me heal not talking to her..nto wondering if she is going to text me or want to hang out or anything..I got into the routine of knowing that she isnt coming back..and it felt good


but come earlier this week..she needed something..i was going to let her borrow it and help her with something on her car...but idk what happened..i snapped and was like you know you dont even ask how i am doing..whats up..you get sraight to the point..ask, take and throw me away..i said im not even talking about relatinship wise..this has nothing t do with us as an ex couple..but the way you treat me as a friend..i would never treat you that way...and of course when she gets confronted she shuts down..pretty much just said im sorry..what do u want me to say...and kept saying sorry...im just sick of it...i told her i wanted nothing from her at all....and i feel this right here will help me to heal better because it brought back old memories of how i was never good enough..how no matter what i said or did i was nto good enough...for her..even her friends were like wow you treat him like crap sometimes seriously jeez...

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  • 3 weeks later...


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