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How do I heal when we have kids?

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Don't worry if I automatically go offline. I'm just going to have my sups and watch a film. Supposed to be going out. Supposed to be going out tomorrow as well. But I DON' WANNA Davi's back Monday eve and, considering I have Joe Mon-Fri (and he's been doing his one-minute-angel-child/next-minute-devil-child act all week (full moon for him and Liam??), I only had last weekend and this weekend - four piddly days - to be Greta Garbot. Four days, whoopie-doo. Don't get me wrong - I miss Davs like uggery. But I've missed me, more. (Sense? Face? Sense?)



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I just mean he would kind of freak. Like he would not know how to handle it. It will be bad enough when he gets my letters lol.


Lunch was good. I have had a really nice day all round to be honest. Jonathan and Sarah read a copy of the original letter I sent to Chris. Jonathan was really impressed with it and said I should be a solicitor lol!! He said again that Chris is just being selfish and only worrying about his own needs. He seems like he can't be bothered with Chris anymore but who knows? I didn't just talk about Chris - we spoke about their plans too. They are getting married next March and looking for a house at the moment. I told them I would like another relationship at some point but not yet. They took me shopping for paint after lunch and helped me pick some colours for the living room.


After we got home the kids and I painted the living room. It was loads of fun - the kids loved doing it. They were actually really careful and didn't make too much mess. It's nearly finished just gotta do some of the edge bits tomorrow. It was really nice quality time with the kids. We were all singing along to music from my phone as we painted. Considering I only got my phone after Chris left you can imagine what all my music is like!! Put it this way, Joe keeps going round singing "this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me no!" And Lauren's favourite is "we are never ever ever getting back together" oops! They have all just had a much needed bath after Joe and Lauren decided to paint each other!!


They just spent the last hour practising some kind of song and dance routine for me that I was banned from listening to as it is for Mother's Day. Lauren had them all making cards and presents and Liam got various bubble baths from the bathroom and mixed some kind of thing for me that he has wrapped in a towel and is being very secretive about. I dread to think what that's gonna be like!!! He gave me a "hint" that it "smells like flowers and look like candy floss" lol

My kids are bloody amazing - I feel like the most blessed woman in the world. Today was good, really good. I feel loved. I'm happy

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Don't worry if I automatically go offline. I'm just going to have my sups and watch a film. Supposed to be going out. Supposed to be going out tomorrow as well. But I DON' WANNA Davi's back Monday eve and, considering I have Joe Mon-Fri (and he's been doing his one-minute-angel-child/next-minute-devil-child act all week (full moon for him and Liam??), I only had last weekend and this weekend - four piddly days - to be Greta Garbot. Four days, whoopie-doo. Don't get me wrong - I miss Davs like uggery. But I've missed me, more. (Sense? Face? Sense?)




Which film are you watching?


You mean they still have devil child moments at the age of 12??? Oh well don't worry the teenage years are just around the corner (evil laugh mwaaaahahahahah) hehe still never mind you can console yourself with the knowledge that in a few years I will have 3! Teenagers in the house!


Where are you off to tomorrow - somewhere nice??

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I just mean he would kind of freak. Like he would not know how to handle it. It will be bad enough when he gets my letters lol.


Right, got ya.


Oh, and afore I forget again: another one to add to the thinking too clearly list: the fact he'd already appointed a solicitor long before you started ringing round. Note they didn't say he'd only ENQUIRED. They said, appointed.


Note also that in spite of that appointment, you haven't had any divorce petition when they've had more than enough time to have raised and sent you one. So that begs the question, what did he consult the solicitor for if not to issue you a petition?


Still think there isn't any hidden, long-accrued wealth to be protected via the legal loopholes, Sarah?


Lunch was good. I have had a really nice day all round to be honest. Jonathan and Sarah read a copy of the original letter I sent to Chris. Jonathan was really impressed with it and said I should be a solicitor lol!!


That makes two of us, then. And I'm not surprised he did. You should! You could! You may not realise but, it's not so much the letter-writing but - most people aren't even remotely that clear-headed and focused during an emotional confrontation over such an incredibly upsetting topic and in such a place of 'dis-anchorment'. Why not have a think about it?


He said again that Chris is just being selfish and only worrying about his own needs. He seems like he can't be bothered with Chris anymore but who knows? I didn't just talk about Chris - we spoke about their plans too. They are getting married next March and looking for a house at the moment. I told them I would like another relationship at some point but not yet. They took me shopping for paint after lunch and helped me pick some colours for the living room.


I think the safe thing to do is to note if Jonathan ever tells you something that could scupper Chris's sneaky little agendas and whereby there could be zero Win for Chris if you found out. Like the fact of the promotion. And - until you get too many of these divulgences whereby it would appear churlish NOT to trust him - treat it as a *** For Tat situation (you tell me something big and I'll tell you something).


What colour did you get?


After we got home the kids and I painted the living room. It was loads of fun - the kids loved doing it. They were actually really careful and didn't make too much mess.


Number 1 is in da house. LOL That's what constantly being too busy fending off non-stop insult attempts does for you. You still notice the pressing stuff but not the subtle and less perceptibles.


It's nearly finished just gotta do some of the edge bits tomorrow. It was really nice quality time with the kids.


Yep. Great bonding exercise and actually far more symbolistically ritualistic than you might realise. (It's tantamount to you and the kids re-claiming the house as yours-all-yours, like a dog that pees to mark his territory.)


We were all singing along to music from my phone as we painted. Considering I only got my phone after Chris left you can imagine what all my music is like!! Put it this way, Joe keeps going round singing "this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me no!" And Lauren's favourite is "we are never ever ever getting back together" oops! They have all just had a much needed bath after Joe and Lauren decided to paint each other!!


ROFL!!!!!! Still - there are worse condensed-form brainwashes than the kids growing up knowing not to take sh*t if they really, really don't have to, eh?!


They just spent the last hour practising some kind of song and dance routine for me that I was banned from listening to as it is for Mother's Day. Lauren had them all making cards and presents and Liam got various bubble baths from the bathroom and mixed some kind of thing for me that he has wrapped in a towel and is being very secretive about. I dread to think what that's gonna be like!!! He gave me a "hint" that it "smells like flowers and look like candy floss" lol

My kids are bloody amazing - I feel like the most blessed woman in the world. Today was good, really good. I feel loved. I'm happy


Ahhhhh.... (Mushy cow) (Bloody foreigners) ;-D



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Which film are you watching?


Haven't started yet - just prepared a Farsi salad that my Iranian mate taught me when he last stayed (fresh chopped dates and coriander with cubed Feta - YUM!) (bloody foreigners again - stealing all the best food! ;-)). Oh, and some fried sliced mushrooms and a slice of ged and gutter on the side. (I know, weird woman - weird eating habits.) And then once I've finished with you ("DAAAA-nah!...." LOL), I'm going to watch Lovely Molly. Ghostie story, I think.


You mean they still have devil child moments at the age of 12??? Oh well don't worry the teenage years are just around the corner (evil laugh mwaaaahahahahah) hehe still never mind you can console yourself with the knowledge that in a few years I will have 3! Teenagers in the house!


Twelve is the new Fifteen and the teenage years are the second, bigger, FAR less cute and amusing version of the Terrible Twos. Testosterone starting to really kick in, innit. (That hormone has a lot to answer for!!!). So he's ALREADY in the teenage years, thanks v much, and yes,... I'd already consoled myself with the fact you have THREE OF THAT STILL TO COME. So I think you'll find the Mwa-ha-ha is *mine-all-mine*. In fact, I'm going to paint over your mwa-ha with my mwa-ha. (LOL - wot?)


Where are you off to tomorrow - somewhere nice??


I'm supposed to be going to lunch with my bessie mate and her fam (known them since I were a nipper and socialise with all of them) in celebration of Mother's Day for her mum (she's a really cool lady). Wondering if Chris will encourage Joe to get me a card or whether Joe will remember himself. Not bothered if he doesn't - from my own POV, I mean. Only bothered in principle (the fact that whatever Joe's attitudes and self-disciplines are will be what he teaches his own kids one day). Last year Davi was here at the time and reminded Joe... although Joe remembered off his own bat last year. But this year he's under a lot of stress due to his Common Entrance exams at end May/beginning June. As my solicitah-tah-tah said: his school is VERY academic. Put it this way: *I* can't do Joe's homework!! Luckily, Joe can.


He DID say the other day, though, that when I start peeing myself he'll have me (and Davs) to stay in his house with his and his then-wife. I said, 'I'd prefer you stuck us in an annexe at the bottom of your garden?'. He said, 'That goes without saying, mummy'. LOL LOL


Right, then - sups time, I'm STARVING. What did you have? (Tell me in the ad break, LOL)



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Haha the juvenile in me wants to experiment with "dodgy" words to see what this forum will and will not allow! How lon do you reckon it take me to get banned????


I think I must be regressing back to my childhood - in training at work the other day I had to refrain from giggling like a schoolgirl over a dog medication called fuciderm !


I don't think the trainer was too impressed when I suggested that the white cat with skin cancer who had his ear cut off should be renamed Van Gogh! What a saddo! I know.



I got like a plum colour (chosen by Lauren) to do a feature wall and then a lighter colour which was meant to be kind of cream but a bit darker but it has come out much darker! Oops - hoping when it dries it will be lighter? Wishful thinking perhaps.


What did I have? For dinner you mean? Well I had a roast beef dinner for lunch (having another one tomorrow ) and we spent so long painting and stuff we just had some pesto pasta for supper.


I'm not too keen on ghostly films at bed time (over active imagination). Same reason I am reluctant to read A Boy Called It. I read a book about Fred and Rose West once and it haunted me for weeks. As did The Human Centipede - whoever even THOUGHT of that idea should have been sectioned immediately!


Aw I hope Joe does remember your card. Like you I want my kids to grow up with the right idea about how to behave etc. I always make them say thank you to me. Sometimes they forget - like say they are distracted watching tv or something and I hand them a drink. I don't let go of it until they say thank you. It's not cos I need constant gratitude - it's so they grow up with manners.

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Haha the juvenile in me wants to experiment with "dodgy" words to see what this forum will and will not allow! How lon do you reckon it take me to get banned????


The juvenile in ME has been surreptitiously doing that ever since she joined this forum!! HA-HA-HA-HA-NEW KNICKERS, PLEASE, WAITER!


The problem is, though, Jim - that statement of yours is highly illogical. And I'll tell you why (apart from the fact it's in my script and I'm getting paid to be in this crap 60s/70s sci-fi series, I mean ;-D)... It's because you're ASS U ME-ing that the owners's programmers of eNA didn't try any swear-word and configuration of it when programming in the automatic Asterisking function, ER-GO,... Jim,... you wouldn't be ABLE to get banned that way - even if you tried - because there's no word or original configuration that you could come up with as would get AROUND that function that could simultaneously be [hhhhHHHHH! (deep breath)] understood thus offensive to any other forum user [pant-pant ("made it!")]. Hah-hah-HAH, see? (Yes, I know Spock didn't say that bit but... artistic license, dwahling, sweetie, mwah).


I think I must be regressing back to my childhood - in training at work the other day I had to refrain from giggling like a schoolgirl over a dog medication called fuciderm !


Stop it - my sides!!!!!


(You realise we're not exactly doing a great job, ambassador-ship-wise, for England, don't you, Sarah?


I don't think the trainer was too impressed when I suggested that the white cat with skin cancer who had his ear cut off should be renamed Van Gogh! What a saddo! I know.


STOP IT!!!! Seriously - my ribs really hurt, now!!


PS: Owner calling it into the house in the evening: "EAR, puss-pus, come EAR, girl..."


(PS: Yes, folks, that's right - us Brits are deep-down bloody 'orrible, LOL LOL LOL)

(PPS to the British Tourist Board: oopth, thoweee... It was Sarah. She started it and I'm easily led.)


I got like a plum colour (chosen by Lauren) to do a feature wall and then a lighter colour which was meant to be kind of cream but a bit darker but it has come out much darker! Oops - hoping when it dries it will be lighter? Wishful thinking perhaps.


LOL. If not, you'll have to do it again, lighter. Never mind, I doubt the kids will protest. Actually, thinking about it, wet paint IS darker than dry so...? I dunno but... you can't leave that cliffhanger, that's cruel... that's like "Knock-knock / Who's there? / Not telling you", thad iz. You're going to have to tell me tomorrow.


What did I have? For dinner you mean?


Why, is there somewhere ELSE you "had" something (someone) that you haven't told us about????? [wiggles eyebrows furiously]


YES, for dinner, you banana! (. Hey - no askterisks there, note. Here... think we should confess that Banana is one of the strongest, most offensive English colloqial swear words there is? (No, YOU stop, it's my turn, LOL).


Well I had a roast beef dinner for lunch (having another one tomorrow ) and we spent so long painting and stuff we just had some pesto pasta for supper.


You had roast beef and you're having roast beef again tomorrow? Again? Tomorrow - again? UH?*!? What you having Monday? Not roast beef, ...surely?



'm not too keen on ghostly films at bed time (over active imagination). Same reason I am reluctant to read A Boy Called It. I read a book about Fred and Rose West once and it haunted me for weeks. As did The Human Centipede - whoever even THOUGHT of that idea should have been sectioned immediately!


Oh, god, don't watch Lovely Molly, then! Very graphic despite not in any gratuitous way that makes you feel disturbed or sickened (aided by the plot's denouement and the gradual revealing of it being sensitively in step with the violence level). But aside from that - WOAH! I haven't even finished watching it yet (that's why I came on here in the first place, actually - to tell you, WOAH!). I think - unless the ending is crap and spoils it (which I doubt nor care about, it's been that good so far) it's one of the best films I've ever seen!!!!! And it's a shame if you don't watch it cos - it is soooooooooooooooooooooo pertinent to our situations! All the womens' on one of the boards here, included!


Could you watch it in the daytime with a friend?


Aw I hope Joe does remember your card. Like you I want my kids to grow up with the right idea about how to behave etc. I always make them say thank you to me. Sometimes they forget - like say they are distracted watching tv or something and I hand them a drink. I don't let go of it until they say thank you. It's not cos I need constant gratitude - it's so they grow up with manners.




Anyway - I'm going to get back to the final third (or is it quarter?) of the film. I'll let you know if it was a bit 'damp squib' at the end and whether that spoilt it any. In return, you can tell me if the paint colour's turned lighter or not. Fair's fair, right? LOL


Cheers for the ribs work-out!




PS: Yes, thanks for asking, as it happens I am a bit (hic!) *gormless grin*

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I bet it allows buttmunch? - a bit too American but I might adopt it as my name of choice for Chris from now on! Or failing that, ***** will suffice.



I will give the film a go but if it scares me I am blaming you!!!


Haven't been downstairs yet to check the paint. Have been woken up at 6.50am with various presents (most of which were already my things wrapped up again! Lol) bless them - they did make me lovely cards though and put on a song.

I was also given breakfast in bed which consisted of a cheese and jam sandwich, a bag of hula hoops and a glass I diet coke!


No I haven't had anything of anything 'else' mores the pity! Can never have too many roast dinners though to be fair - meat and 2 veg anyone? (Too far??) lol lol.


Hope you haven't got a hangover this morning.

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I've just remembered that whilst I was post-betrayed I was too easily disturbed and couldn't watch things like horror films, so, no - don't watch it, just put it on your To See list. Not that I'd call it a horror. I can't stand gratituous gore and the kind meted out by your serious psychopaths like serial killers (it's the psychopathy that disgusts), but I can definitely watch medical surgery without batting an eyelid and films containing violence that's necessary to the plot and which is done in the name of justice. Example: Hard Candy and The Last House On The Left. Hard Candy was fan-ucking-tastic! - you could definitely watch that one (no gore whatsoever and a three-quarter-way denouement that makes you GLAD for the earlier, one mere suggestion of gore). All three are basically about vigilante-ism against your seriously damaged goods.


But other than ones like those (violence/gore for a distinct and imperative reason) and gore in sci-fi films like Alien, I don't tend to watch horror and have yet to see Saw and Hellraiser. Doubt I ever will, actually. As for the human centipede, I wholeheartedly second what you say. (PS: If you meant oral? No. There are only two sex scenes and neither feature that.)


So, no, don't see it yet, better safe than sorry and all that (your brain has enough to cope with lately).


Your things wrapped up again? LOL, sweet! What was the song? (Don't say 'Trouble' or you'll set me off again.)


Have you checked the paint again yet??? (I have got to KNOW, I can't STAND it! LOL)


Hangover? Naaah. It was only one glass of wine. In fact, it was more like a half-glass, but since I rarely drink, that's all it takes to get me tiddly. (I'm a very cheap date, me, LOL)



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Ha ha where did you get the idea that I was asking about sex scenes? Oral or otherwise? Lol


The paint is ok - it is darker than anticipated but it is passable I think. I will get some lighter accessories (pictures, cushions etc)


Am at my parents' house now. My dad nearly made me cry. He bought a little present for each of the kid to give me. I can't believe he was so thoughtful. I heard him in the other room getting them to write the card and he was saying how he wished he still had his mum and that they should appreciate me.


I hate horror films - gory ones and the like. Weird though because I love Stephen King. Like seriously he is my inspiration to want to write. I don't see him as a horror writer though even though he is supposed to be the king of horror. Saw, Paranormal Activity - all those you can keep.

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Because you said it ALLOWS buttmunch instead of features buttmunch, and if you try to google what it means, you get myriad completely unrelated answers, one of which implies that. Well, if it doesn't mean that it damn well sounds like it does, LOL. Go on, then - what DID you mean?


Sounds like something's lately got your dad thinking, doesn't it? Is somebody feeling guilty for not having been a proper role-model to you back then as had you picking a bad'un, do you think?


Stephen King is about the supernatural rather than your damaged goods, in which case I imagine neither does any gore seem realistic enough.


No, YOU keep them, LOL (no, you!).



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Omg ! I never thought of the word buttmunch in that context!!!!


I just heard it in an episode of Friends with the barbershop quartet and I liked it. The song goes as follows:


Mister pretentious

You think there's no one finer

But your poems are unpublished

And you work in a diner


You're no God's gift to women

It's all in your head

You are just a Buttmunch

No one likes a Buttmunch

And you're also bad in bedddddd

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I have a horrible feeling that Liam is going to give loads of grief about going to the childminder tomorrow - please please please please please please please let it go smoothly. I've bribed him with the promise of a chocolate rabbit (great parenting hey!!) He was funny about starting school at first - I hoping tht Lauren and Joe being there with him will help. I NEED this to work out.


Right enough stress let me think of some jokes!

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Oh God I just had a thought. What if Chris shows up at 7am on Tuesday to take the kids ? I have text him to tell him I have sorted the child minder but he did not reply. Lauren also told me that he knows about the child minder but I could imagine him showing up just to make things hard. Imagine it - "mummy we don't wanna go to the child minder we wanna go with daddy" I would go ucking mental. He better not try to pull that kind of stunt. What shall I do if he does??

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Oh great now my mum had put another idea in my head. What if he tries to collect them from school on Tuesday and/or Wednesday - mum is collecting them. I think I will have to ring the school and make them aware to only allow them to go with myself or my mum at the moment. What a bleedin' nightmare. He probably won't do that but he might get all "I will pick my kids up if I want to" about it. Better to make sure I guess right?

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I have text him:


"Just to clarify that you will NOT be having the children this Tuesday/Wednesday (12th and 13th march) as they are starting their new ongoing routine. Just making sure there is no confusion."


I felt the need in case he does try to play dumb and make out he did not know. It will all probably be fine but I just wanted to cover myself.

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