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Things That Make A Happy, Successful Relationship: Share Yours

Heather Dawn

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I go home for lunch every day because I work very close to home and my boyfriend gets home earlier than me (he leaves for work at 3:30am, and gets home between 12-4p, depending on if he does overtime). We both love and value this routine, because it gives us quality time together in the middle of the day - especially since he passes out fairly early in the evening on weeknights, due to his schedule.


Anyway, yesterday, when I arrived home to our condo complex, he had just gotten home and was shoveling the common path from our building's back door to the parking lot. I said, "You just got home from a hard day at work and you're shoveling? You know they do salt and plow for us, right?" He said, "Yeah, but I felt bad because I meant to go out last night before I fell asleep and dig out your car, start it and clear off the snow - and then this morning, when I left I didn't have time after doing mine. So I cleared out your spot now, and I wanted to make sure the path was totally clear because it's supposed to ice up overnight and I don't want to worry about my baby slipping and sliding on her way to her car in the morning."


My relationship is filled with things like that - thoughtful, little moments that mean a lot. My guy and I are truly best friends, and we always joke that we're the cutest couple in the world, and the couple that other couples hate. We're not perfect (because we're human), we have our moments of bickering or exasperation...it wouldn't be a real relationship if we didn't. But it's never serious, and it's not frequent. Mostly, we have fun together - even if that means sitting in our pajamas and watching TV, or grocery shopping on Saturdays. And we're extremely open with our affection for each other. We tell each other "I love you" - and mean it - several times a day, we text back and forth during the work day (edit: hehe, he texted just as I was submitting this post), and we cuddle like it's an Olympic sport. We hold hands when we walk, and even in sleep we have to be touching. We love each other, we take care of each other, we have fun with each other, and I've never been so happy or so fulfilled.


So I was thinking: There's so much negativity on this forum, that maybe it would be a nice change to hear from people in happy, successful relationships. (And no offense to anyone, but I'm talking here about people involved in day-to-day, in-person relationships...because cyber- and long-distance relationships are a whole other beast.)

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My husband ALWAYS makes my tea for me. Always, but for mornings because he is already gone. Weekends he delivers my tea to my bed side. On Sundays he always makes a bacon and eggs breakfast.


While my shoulder was really bad he slept on the floor so my arm could be at an angle that I could sleep at.

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what a lovely relationship and wondeful to read.


That is what mine and alfie's was like .


He bought me a pair of gloves once , they are mittens but then you pull the top down and they are fingerless gloves , he got

them so I could take pics when it is cold .


I would *attempt* to bake him gluten free cakes ...he loved that I at least tried ...I loved that he thanked me with love even when I clearly knew he would break several teeth trying to eat it hahaha


and its those things that make it wonderful ..kindness and seeing and loving and appreciating these things .


no games ...no waiting by the phone ..no wondering if a text would come ...accepting love and giving it without worry and

fear .


everybody needs to hang on to these thoughts and remember you will all meet someone like that ..like I did .

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and its those things that make it wonderful ..kindness and seeing and loving and appreciating these things .


no games ...no waiting by the phone ..no wondering if a text would come ...accepting love and giving it without worry and

fear .


everybody needs to hang on to these thoughts and remember you will all meet someone like that ..like I did .


Yes! One of the things that struck me when my boyfriend and I first started dating (and, admittedly, we moved very fast - we were committed to each other from day one, because we just knew), was that I had none of the usual thoughts of, "Will he call?" or "Where is this going?" There was such a sense of, "Ahhh...so this is what it's like when you find the one you're supposed to be with." In every possible way, it was just...easy. It just blossomed and grew so fluidly and naturally.

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Despite my age...ahem...I love Hello Kitty and collect HK items. Out of deference to my boyfriend being, well, male...I've refrained from keeping most of it in our home and have decorated my office and car with it. But my sweet boyfriend surprises me with HK things all the time - socks, an insulated lunch bag for work, etc. And the thing that strikes me most is that he bought HK shower curtain hooks for our bathroom and surprised me with them when I came home from work one day. He loves me so much that he - without provocation - did that for me, even though he'd probably be happy never seeing HK again.

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He sends me a good morning email every day! just to tell me to have a good day!

im a lefty. We were eating at a bar.. he started to eat with his left hand so i didn't have to be inconvenienced.. it took me a minute to notice.. but it melted my heart when i did.

he knows what i like and always plans things to do .. like tonight we are going to an observatory.. in the mountains... awesome!

he doesn't mind when i fall asleep on him.. no matter how hot he is .. he won't move.. because i look comfy.



he is one of the most gentle, kind caring and sincere men i have ever known.

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Despite my age...ahem...I love Hello Kitty and collect HK items. Out of deference to my boyfriend being, well, male...I've refrained from keeping most of it in our home and have decorated my office and car with it. But my sweet boyfriend surprises me with HK things all the time - socks, an insulated lunch bag for work, etc. And the thing that strikes me most is that he bought HK shower curtain hooks for our bathroom and surprised me with them when I came home from work one day. He loves me so much that he - without provocation - did that for me, even though he'd probably be happy never seeing HK again.



first you are never too old for HK

second.. you better hold onto this man!! lol

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He sends me a good morning email every day! just to tell me to have a good day!

im a lefty. We were eating at a bar.. he started to eat with his left hand so i didn't have to be inconvenienced.. it took me a minute to notice.. but it melted my heart when i did.

he knows what i like and always plans things to do .. like tonight we are going to an observatory.. in the mountains... awesome!

he doesn't mind when i fall asleep on him.. no matter how hot he is .. he won't move.. because i look comfy.



he is one of the most gentle, kind caring and sincere men i have ever known.


Just those little things to let you know he's thinking of you and cares about your comfort and happiness...they're so important.


first you are never too old for HK

second.. you better hold onto this man!! lol


You're quite right on both accounts! LOL

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I like this! Finally finding myself incredibly happy in a relationship, I find that sometimes you can't really talk about it because you don't want to sound like you're bragging or not being empathatic to people who haven't yet had the same experience.


My boyfriend constantly does little things to show that he cares -- too many to count. I had a sore neck a few days ago, and he massaged it and made me put a heating pad on it, as if I had a major injury. It has felt fine the last few days so I hadn't even thought about it, but when I came to bed last night after brushing my teeth, he said "I set up your pillows for you in the right position so you don't hurt your neck again."


Also, every time he hugs me, he sighs heavily, and says "I love you... so much."


It's just the feeling that someone cares about you just as much, if not more, than themselves.

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  • 8 months later...

My bf brings me "food treats" (lobster tails, scallops in season, fresh tomatos from the garden) almost everytime he comes over. He also puts out my trash if I forget, and brings the barrels in....such small stuff.


I pick up cooking mags for him when I am out --- and just leave them at the bedside. I also buy his favorite bottled h20, and always have a few bottles chilled at my house.


And while I do it because I love him --- just a few weeks ago, he paused at one point and said ---- "you are incredibly thoughtful...thank you". sigh.

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My bf brings me "food treats" (lobster tails, scallops in season, fresh tomatos from the garden) almost everytime he comes over. He also puts out my trash if I forget, and brings the barrels in....such small stuff.


I pick up cooking mags for him when I am out --- and just leave them at the bedside. I also buy his favorite bottled h20, and always have a few bottles chilled at my house.


And while I do it because I love him --- just a few weeks ago, he paused at one point and said ---- "you are incredibly thoughtful...thank you". sigh.


Men show their love by doing things to take care of their women - so I love that he's doing things like putting out your trash for you, etc. And isn't it lovely when, in turn, they are gracious and notice what you do for them, too, even though you're not doing it for brownie points or gratitude, but because you love them?


This Saturday, we headed out for our usual weekly grocery shopping trip but I was informed we weren't actually going shopping. He wouldn't tell me what we WERE doing, so I had to guess. We drove for an hour before I realized where we were going, based on highway signs. Turns out, he was kidnapping me for a day at the country's oldest agricultural fair, which had just opened for the season that day. We spent the entire day there, and he paid for everything - our tickets, parking, all the yummy fair food, games (he won me a giant stuffed animal!)...even food for the animals at the fair's petting zoo. It was a WONDERFUL day, and I loved that he surprised me with it. (He's done that before, too. Most recently, prior to the fair, he kidnapped me for some mini-golf.)

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One year, on a road trip, I secretly packed his "body pillow"...as we were staying with friends and not at a hotel.


When we went up to bed, I told him to close his eyes, and took it out....I thought he was going to cry!


Cute!! I'm pretty sure my guy would react that way if I pulled out his favorite blanket that he wraps himself in when relaxing on the couch or sitting in his "man-chair" for video games...LOL

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He used to bring me coffee in bed, and we'd sit in bed sipping coffee and talking or reading the newspaper. He's a morning person and I'm not, so it meant a lot to me to start the day together.


At the end of the day we used to sit on the couch and share footrubs and talk or watch TV together.

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He used to bring me coffee in bed, and we'd sit in bed sipping coffee and talking or reading the newspaper. He's a morning person and I'm not, so it meant a lot to me to start the day together.


At the end of the day we used to sit on the couch and share footrubs and talk or watch TV together.


One of the first "traditions" that developed in my relationship with my boyfriend is that he would always bring me iced coffee -- exactly how I loved it -- from Dunkin' Donuts every day when he got home from work.

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Awww cute thread! I can't really think of cute "traditions" like the coffee in bed thing.


We do a lot of cute stuff though. He actually came by in the middle of the day to take me to the Post Office because I needed to mail something. If we are at his place, then I sometimes walk his dog.

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My soon to be hubby, has ALWAYS remembered/acknowledged our anniversary(which is actually today), with no prompting or reminders. I love how he remembers significant dates, outings, activities, and other memories throughout the years. He truly debunks theories that only women can remember things!

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My soon to be hubby, has ALWAYS remembered/acknowledged our anniversary(which is actually today), with no prompting or reminders. I love how he remembers significant dates, outings, activities, and other memories throughout the years. He truly debunks theories that only women can remember things!


You are getting married on a MARVELOUS day! My birthday Congrats on your upcoming wedding!

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My soon to be hubby, has ALWAYS remembered/acknowledged our anniversary(which is actually today), with no prompting or reminders. I love how he remembers significant dates, outings, activities, and other memories throughout the years. He truly debunks theories that only women can remember things!


Oh - that reminds me! He remembers our first five dates better than I do and has made remembering them and celebrating them a tradition!

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