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I dated a great guy for 3months. He dumped me in april, due to work pressure, fear etc. He has been single since. He emailed me jokes twice and birthday card soon after but I kept up NC for four months until he had finished a course and was back in town. Then i emailed him jokes, he immediately emailed jokes back. Then I emailed him 3 times (jokes) over a week and he sent me a proper email letter reply. It was civil telling me how he planned to travel after he finished work in December. I replied a very cheery, that sounds great reply. and told him amusing anecdotes of a light nature from my life. I got a very warm reply. I sent him back another bright and breezy reply. Neither of us ever mentioned our past at all. I never told him I was dating. I never told him I wasn't either. Even though his last letter ended talk to you soon., he didn't reply. A mutual friend told me that he hasn't been well since he returned from his course.

After 3 weeks I cracked and sent him a joke. He replied a day later with 3 jokes within the hour. I waited two days and sent him another joke.

When he didn't reply, I thought sod him, i'm not going to start emailing him again. Then yesterday after two weeks he send me another joke. My friend says don't answer it. What do you guys think?

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I think he is just being a mate to you and he used his course as an excuse to split. I think by you continuing your contact you are hanging on and hoping you will start dating again.


E-mail him back if you want to be just mates but if you want more then don't e-mail him it will only keep you dangling along.

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The course wasn't an excuse to dump me. I know that 48hrs before he dumped me it hadn't even occurred to him.

This email was different because it was not in reply to anything I had sent him. I had decided that I wasn't going to start emailing him anymore.

The content of this email was odd. It was a forward entitled my dear wife. It was a joke about a husband complaining about their sex life. Then she replies. The joke was against the man. Then at the end it said that if you got it on different days you were to wish for different things and if you sent it on to seven people in five days someone would tell you "I love you". I mean how thoughtless is that to send to an ex.

Anyway I do agree with you and I won't be replying to this email.

Thanks for your advbice.

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