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Destiny sends me people connected to my ex

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I am trying to get over my ex and to do it faster I decided to register to the dating site and to find men who would be my age to date. My last ex was 7 years younger, he lives in a different district than me and he belongs to the very famous and rich family in my country. Today I just scrolled over thousands of profiles: men with photos, close to my age, single, without kids, from my native city. That's all. I got many profiles as a result and I picked 2 different guys. Their profiles weren't full but they looked cute and trustworthy. I contacted them, we started correspond and here are the results:


1st guy is a co-worker of my ex. He just started telling where he works, what company, what position and here I found out that they both work together. I felt bad about that and I stopped corresponding right away not to have any problems or rumors who would reach my ex.


2nd guy looked intelligent and cute and he bragged that he likes photography and gave me a link to his photo gallery on FB. Here I am looking at his photos and then I suddenly see my exe's bicycle and his friends in those photos. My heart stopped beating for a second. Are you friends with him? I asked. He said no, but then suddenly I find out that he has the same hobby about those bicycles as my ex, he goes to the same events, photograph them and also he lives next to my ex house, so they are almost neighbors! Nevertheless he knows more of my friends from my FB profile and it also made me feel insecure.


Those were 2 RANDOM guys from a dating website. There are 311 148 citizens in my city, thousands people from my city on that dating site and I randomly pick 2 connected to my EX? How come? I hate destiny for such things. What should I do not to meet people connected to him?

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Lol, yeah I got into a convo with sb that knew my ex and was really close when they were younger.

My city has like 1.5 million people, so it was weird it had to be sb so close to him. I was like...the irony. -_-.


Also I had another experience at the movies going on a date when I literally turned around and bumped straight into an ex head first -_-... Like ***, I dyed my hair then so both he and I were shocked and it was extremely awkward.


Sometimes it's one of those things.

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What should I do not to meet people connected to him?


Just don't meet them, if it bothers you. You picked out two guys you liked the look of, and made enough enquiries to ensure that you didn't accidentally run into your ex unexpectedly.


You have no control over random events. You have a great deal of control in what you do with them, and it sounds like you're taking care of yourself in that respect. If your ex belongs to a rich and prominent family, then the likelihood of others knowing him/them is great. I had a long term relationship with a guy who is half Sri Lankan, and his mother's family is very high-ranking over there; every single person we ever met (in this country) who came from Sri Lanka knew the family. That's the way it goes.


There's nothing you can do beyond the prudent measures you are taking at the moment.

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I hate the fact that his family and surname is well known enough to be recognized in public events and even to see a huge wallpaper of his uncle's face and his surname in my city streets. They're famous, ok, I know I will hear his family surname over the news every time they show influential famous people who made my country famous, but however, it's really destroying me to meet everyone and to find out that they know them in person or are connected to them somehow. I feel like a trash. I was so happy and proud to be his girlfriend, but now when my ex broke up with me, it's a shame to say to someone that I was one of the million girls under his wing who was dumped and wasn't somehow important to him, because there are a lot of crazy girls who adores him for his surname.

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Yes, lalalollipops, the thing is that he treated me like a trash, like I wasn't different from other girls. He was always telling me that if he would have a nicer appearance, he would go and F all the girls in a row and he wouldn't like any relationships. And when he did something, I always showed how proud of him I was, however, he said "Oh, you're just like all the girls. Every single women would adore me for such things." If I would never risk to know him, I wouldn't be hurt so much now. It's like all the country likes them and I don't want to talk about them because HE hurt me so much emotionally and because he rejected my love when I confessed it to him.

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Well I called it destiny, because I didn't put anything in a detailed search like "hobbies" but I just took anything my age, and it seemed both guys lived at his district. How unlucky am I? I hate such moments. I hate my weak personality but I'm trying to force myself to learn self-respect and not contact this guy in anyway no matter how much I miss him, no matter how often I think of him of dream about him at night. I try to be strong and not to break down.

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PrettyGood, this happens to me also very often, PM me so we can find the reality behind this, because I know

it looks very "destiny-like"


I went on my 1st date after my gf for 11 years broke up with me in very cruel way...


Guess what was my date's birthdate? Exactly the date when we started being together me and my exgf.


Chances? 2 in 365. But of course, there were hundreds other more weird coincidences

that seem that they cannot be coincidences at all...

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