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He thinks hes having a mental breakdown

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So I broke NC yesterday and went to see my ex of BU of 3 weeks.

I really didn't want to and felt my guts twist arriving at his Mum's house to see him.

I felt I had to see him as the evening before he was arguing with via text over money and because last week I dragged my sorry ass out and had an evening with my friends to try and lift my spirits. He was angry at that so then turned on me with money that he owes basing nasty and cruel.


Nothing was getting sorted by stupid text so I sucked it upand went to see him.


After saying sorry for being mean and blaming it on being upset because I was moving on (as he asked me too ) he told me that he's not any happier and that he's having a mental breakdown. He said he feels eextremely low, has difficult concentrating, cannot sleep , has physical symptoms, no sex drive , no interest in anything anymore. He thinks it's why he's made bad decisions like gaining attention off other women and drinking so much.


He said he's never not wanted me. But he just can't cope with anymore.

We both cried when I left his Mum's. He's moving into a new place next week.


I was so ready to move on with my life. I don't know if he's really having breakdown or not. I know he has been to doctors for physical run down problems and sleep disorder in as many months.


He's told me he's a loser and I'm better off without him.


what do I do now ?


He hasn't asked for me back. I let him go and have his space to find himself again as he asked.


Shall I just continue to let him go still or fight for him ?


what I don't want is any false hopes or delay in healing and moving on

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So I broke NC yesterday and went to see my ex of BU of 3 weeks.


what I don't want is any false hopes or delay in healing and moving on


is it about you or him? do you still want to be with a guy who is unstable like that. If you writing it seems like you do and maybe you should give him some time to heal and wait to see if he comes around. If it is too stressful for you to handle then just move on right now and delete his number and get rid of everything that reminds you of him. Of course it takes time to forget about people but 3 weeks is nothing it will probably take you 2 months at the most if you start right now, but if you continue to see him then you never know things could get better they could get worst the question is are you going to miss him or not.

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