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My life is ruined and Im not even 18 yet!!!

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Wow, Im 15 years old and I've already ruined my life. Its over, what do I do? I'm addicted to Methanphetemines (Ice). My 3 bestfriend's have all neglected me. The one true "love of my life" has walked out of my life and moved a million miles away. Im failing in school miserably. My mother is busy in a custody battle, My father is an obsessive workaholic. All my family lives out of state. I have no where to turn to and no one to talk to. Im unemployed and underaged so I cant work or drive. Im going insane and I want to die! WHAT DO I DO? Im so confused. I know I need help, but I don't know where to find it. I dont want to go to RYDC or put any more stress on my parents, but I know my life is ruined now. Please, i need some advice a/s/a/p!!!




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Hi folks,


I am sorry to hear what you two are going through. I understand that life is extremely hard for you guys at the moment.


Someone wrote on here before that at that young age, there's not much you have gone through really. Life gets a little harder, when you start to get responsibilities later in your life, like a job a marriage and children. Being 31, I believe that it is true. Although I am not married yet and don't have children, either. I see how life have become more difficult on a later age. However, I found life being more of a challenge, too and more fun for that matter.


So, you can't drive right now? You don't have friends at the moment? You don't have a job right now? Those are all issues you can work on. It might be a lot if you look at things as a whole. That's why I suggest that you start to think BIG, but start small. What would you try to improve in your life first? Being 15, it's a little hard to wish for being able to drive. It's simply illegal, but you could work on getting friendships. Talk to people and smile at them. Say 'hi' to people that seem to be nice. Ask them: "Hey, how you're doing?" Chances are that there will be people out there responding to you. Work on confidence. It doesn't work overnight, but eventually you will get that confidence. Believe me, because I can tell from experience.


I wish you good luck. Look at life from the bright side and see changes as a challenge. Challenge life itself and feel life as a precious thing, because it is. Your life will change eventually, but the only one being able to do that, is YOU! It is all about YOU, YOU and YOU! Make it happen. Like Nike says: "Just do it!"


~ SwingFox ~

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Thankyou all that have posted your advice on this topic. To keep you updated; there is a happy ending to my suicidle/drug addiction situation. I told my folks everything that has been going on for the past 6 months, and believe it or not, they weren't mad at all! They checked me into a mental health/rehabilition center this afternoon. Since I've already been through the detox stage, Im now an outpatient but will be attending counsoling, therapy, addiction education, and a probation period for the next 6 months-2 years depending on my progress. For the first time in 6 months, I was really HAPPY today (without the influence of methanphetemines!). Thankyou all whom have replied to my posts, your words of wisdom have saved my life I will keep ya'll updated on my progress. Thanx again




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