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Being single actually is the<>!! Just a thought.

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Hopefully, most of you brokenhearted people know my long, annoying story. But if you're new and you don't know me, by all means please read my threads for entertainment purposes. ANYWAY! I was working out earlier and while i was doing the peck deck i came to the conclusion that being single again is the greatest thing that could have happened to me. My ex had taken me completely out of character. I'm way to cool to be blowing up a chicks phone and letting her get me angry enough to call her a female dog. I have no time for toxic females.


I'm finally becoming Sean again and it feels good. I'm actually doing my school work, i'm writing music and working out. The only thing i can't seem to sit down and do is write my screenplay. I'm finding that person i was before the evil chick came into the picture. Before her i was single for almost five years and let me tell you that they were the best five years of my life. Stress free life, full of laughter, good friends, partying and football. I want that again. I just need to find a away to be 100% indifferent when she comes up in my head or tries to do something to get my attention.


I can honestly tell you guys that i'll probably go on another long vacation from the relationship world. I just can't do it. No offense ladies, but yall are too stressful for me. I'm tired of going through the same stupid phases.


It's all about Top Five now. I have faith that i'll get my confidence back soon. Right now i am slimming down, i'm no longer a football player so there's no need for me to be NFL sized. When i return home for good i plan to get a job so i can buy some nice clothes. I wanna do whatever it takes to boost my ego. I get a decent amount of women now, i can only imagine what it's going to be like in a few months. lol


If you're anything like me, just enjoy being single. It's actually pretty darn fun when you actually take the time and look at your situation.

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it all comes down to who you are and under what environment you thrive. Some of us, we do better with a spouse, others, we do better flying solo. Myself, i'm more motivated when I have a girl with a fork in my back!! I've almost finished writing a book I started in 2007 thanks to the latest girl.


But yes, single is Extremely easy, once I learned to fly with it.

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Single has its perks, but I'm naturally a very affectionate person. I do okay without it for a while, but for long periods of time it starts to bother me (like now).


Lonewing hit the nail on the head, though. I just do better in relationships. I like having someone to care for, to come home to, to do sweet things for, and to cuddle with at the drop of a hat. Not having it has made life sort of "blah" for me. Not to mention, sex was sort of a huge stress reliever for me. I feel like I have some built-up tension as of late due to that...TMI?

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Ahh a biography.... I look forward to it ..( I am known as a complicated person by those who don't get close to me ).

Sex also gets better with a steady partner - you know how to hit each other's buttons, hence a Quickie is actually both feasible AND satisfying...


The book is about..well...it's complicated.


If you cannot be happy on your own , you won't ever be truly happy with somebody else , you are the only person guaranteed to never leave you , everything is temporary , accept this and sleep better at night. Nobody else should define who you are and anybody who cannot see your worth , shouldn't be somebody you think about too much

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Ahh a biography.... I look forward to it ..( I am known as a complicated person by those who don't get close to me ).


If you cannot be happy on your own , you won't ever be truly happy with somebody else , you are the only person guaranteed to never leave you , everything is temporary , accept this and sleep better at night. Nobody else should define who you are and anybody who cannot see your worth , shouldn't be somebody you think about too much


We're only human. We have sex drives and physical desires that need to be fulfilled. I'd rather have sex with a steady partner than casual sex with no feeling involved. Thats not to say I can't go a long period of time without it, it's just difficult for me after a while and one of the most amazing feelings in the world is sharing intimacy with someone you love.

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Definitely yep I agree , but you don't have to rely on somebody else to make you happy...as we find out they have a habbit of leaving, doesn't mean I would stop looking for what we want. The fact remains , people will come and go in and out of our lives , they should not define us , they should be complimentary imo ..not our only reason for living...

We're only human. We have sex drives and physical desires that need to be fulfilled. I'd rather have sex with a steady partner than casual sex with no feeling involved. Thats not to say I can't go a long period of time without it, it's just difficult for me after a while and one of the most amazing feelings in the world is sharing intimacy with someone you love.
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Yes, Top5 ...It can leave you dazed, bitter and depressed and with low esteem , all because of a bad choice.... it's something you do learn to deal with and adapt to. Never let these experiences leave you too jaded , it's all part of life . Meeting that special person should always be high on the list of priorities, at least it has for me , just because I made some bad choices won't stop me from entering the game, so to speak, although I might hit the pause button while the damage is there

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I personally find relationships to be annoying, emotionally draining and expensive. Ive always been good by myself with no attachment or commitment to a female. Maybe this is just a phase because im young and ive been hurt.


Or this could just be your personality disposition - we all have our positions, and that's what best for us. I know lots of guys who roll like you, they very much enjoy themselves. That's fine. Where you'd be smotherred, I'm covered. It's how things go.


I've known since I was 2-3 that my real goal in life was to find that woman who is mine and be with her for wherever life takes us - that's simply my disposition. You could say she started defining me even then, even though that was over 28 years ago.


We're all different, this is for sure!

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No offense ladies, but yall are too stressful for me. I'm tired of going through the same stupid phases.


Hm. You still sound really angry. That's never good... maybe it's important to realize that not ALL ladies are like the lady who screwed you over. If you've been on here, I'm sure you've noticed that there are an EQUAL amount woman who have been heartbroken my complete *******. So it's really not 'the ladies' causing all the stress. Someone being a jerk has nothing to do with wether they're a man or a woman- it's entirely based on WHO they are as person, and unfortunetly, some PEOPLE (regardless of gender) are just awful.


My ex was not the greatest- but if I labelled all men jerks because of him, Id be missing out. I'm sorry about your situation, your ex sounds like a nightmare, but thinking all ladies are stressful may prevent you from missing out on a good one. There are wonderful People on this planet, we just need to weed through some of the not so great ones to find them, and be able to truly appreciate them.


I liked your post on what WE learned from our relationships, what our mistakes were. We stayed & took their **** for a reason right? If you're tired of going thru these 'stupid phases' maybe its about recognizing your negative patterns (like maybe u always go for a certain type of woman) and changing it up.


Never know until you try, and patterns repeat until you take responsibilty + learn.


Being single is awesome, for sure- especially when you're rebuilding! But you sound like a nice guy, so hope you don't let this chick jade you completely from women & that you let her have taught you to stay away from the Toxic ones instead.


All the Best!

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Yeah I like that attitude , I remember saying to an ex years ago .... if it is a question between the wrong one and no-one , I will be with no-one ( this is after she told me we were finally splitting up)

I prefer a partner, life is more fulfilling when you have someone to laugh and cry with. Then again im never going to be alone, one of the perks of being a parent, so this whole living it up single life is something I gave up years ago and I dont miss it.
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Yea my ex had some emotional issues. She still finds ways to torment me, i think she gets off on that. Very toxic and immature young girl. I've learned a lot from my mistakes with her and i can tell you that i will not put up with that type of foolishness again. I also think me being a "nice guy" was kinda of a downfall. Even though i was far from a pushover or a wimp, she knew just what to do to get her way. I've just never had a girl treat me as good as i treat her and the females from my past damn sure never realized my worth.

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