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Is it possible to date if you have a lot of physical flaws?


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What kind of physical flaws?


People always say that looks don't matter as long as you have a good personality, but thats only partially true. The truth is, a lot of people are shallow, and even if they say they don't care about looks, they do. If you feel like you are physically flawed, the best thing to do is pretend you aren't. Your confidence outshines any other personality or physical traits you might have. As long as you carry yourself as a person who is comfortable with all your own attributes, it doesn't matter how many physical flaws you have.

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Most people aren't beautiful so personally, I wouldn't worry too much about being a 10.

I wouldn't use this as an excuse to eat whatever I want & not take care of myself... on the contrary.

I'd work 2x as hard just to be a 7.

As far as looks go, that's really all you need to to do be successful.

There are harder things in dating than how you look, lol.

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Of course it's possible, nobody is 100% perfect (or if they are, they don't stay that way forever). Some people will think of those flaws as "endearing", if the chemistry is there and the personalities mesh well.

But the key is for you not to concentrate or worry about the flaws (worrying and obsessing about them won't make them disappear anyway), and to act as if you love yourself and project confidence.

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