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Situation: girl has a now long distance boyfriend. She's acting interested in me, but having a few doubts. She thinks I'm a player (I'm not) and that I can get any girl I want. I'm not too sure how to handle this situation.


I'm having some moral issues with this. I don't want to steal somebody else's girlfriend, but I knew this guy, and he didn't have to go to the other side of the world. He chose a career oppurtunity over living with this girl.


I half just want to stop thinking about her. It's too much hassle

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Ohh why not have her as friends?? You can't get too many friends in the world of today, trust me... if you're not a player then consider the fact that you sau yourself your not looking for a friend.. let it develop and see what happens.. if it doesn't go as your planned, well then you have a new friend, which perhaps could be a potential lover in the future...

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You can't steal anyone's girlfriend. She either likes you and wants to be with you instead of her boyfriend...or she doesn't.


Maybe she thinks you're a player because you are a flirt? or she has seen or heard that you don't get into serious relationships.. could be any number of reasons why. Just be yourself and let her get to know you.


The best relationships begin as friendships

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