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I'm Considering Contacting the Ex


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4 years together. 31 Days post break-up. 15 Days no contact. Not begged at all (we talked about logistics briefly).


I became, insecure, needy and boring. She met someone else and moved on for the 'spark' of a new relationship (i never treated her badly). We have a flat and car together so need to sort these matters out.


She suggested meeting but never got back to me after I agreed.


I don't want her back, not now. I couldn't trust her and we both need to shag about (you know what I mean). I'm going to ask if she's free tonight to get things sorted out - flat & car. What do you think?

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Don't use the flat and car as an excuse to talk when you are emotional. If you have to meet to sort those things out set a date a few days in advance so you can approach it on a purely business basis. Do you actually have to meet in person to sort these things out?

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Don't use the flat and car as an excuse to talk when you are emotional. If you have to meet to sort those things out set a date a few days in advance so you can approach it on a purely business basis. Do you actually have to meet in person to sort these things out?


We don't have to. But I feel after 4 years we should be able to do it amicably.


What would you suggest?

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When my 4.5 year relationship (lived together for four years) ended 3 months ago I decided early on I wanted minimal contact, I needed my stuff back, but didn't want to be around him or the house we lived in. So I emailed him with a list of things I wanted/didn't want, had boxes and tape delivered to the house and sent a man and van over to pick them up and bring my stuff to me and my new home. And I'm so glad I did - anything else would have been too painful and it would have taken me longer to heal.

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