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4th Date Help...?


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I've had 3 dates now. All gone really well. She wants a forth date on Wednesday night and I'm worried about asking her round to my place...


I either ask her to come over and I'll cook something (would need a recipe!) but this will make it easier for me to be flirty (my territory).


Or I can take her to a really nice French resteraunt in the city and drive her home. But will be less comfortable to be affectionate in a car.


I don't want her to think I'm trying to bed her, I'm not ready for that, but maybe I'm over thinking it...?

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Ask her to come over to yours, if you're worried about cooking then do it the previous day so all you have to do is re-heat. If you're REALLY worried about cooking, get a takeaway. By all means be affectionate and relaxed - but if you've been respectful on your dates so far, she's very unlikely to think you're up to something!

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Ask her to dinner at your place. Just have it almost ready when she gets there. Cook something simple that you're comfortable fixing. You don't want to try and pull of a fancy meal and have it not turn out.


Or, try some good takeaway.


Or, ask her if she would like to suggest something for that night.

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Why are you worried about asking her to your place? Why do you feel the need to have her come over? Why don't you have another date of what you guys usually do? Now if you do want something more with her that's a different story. Inviting her over might give her a clue that you want something more or it might be too soon for her to come over in her mind.


Its hard to tell in this situation. I have had women invite themselves over to my place very soon. There have only been a few that I have had to extend an invite too. However, just because they invited themselves over did not mean that they want any extra activites.

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Well first off, she will most likely be very impressed if you cook for her! The man I'm dating cooked dinner for me on our 4th or 5th date, we watched some TV (Olympics, lol) and then went to a party at our friends' house. He cooked something simple... Greek salads, but still. A man who cooks is very impressive in my book... even if it's simple or not completely perfect, the effort itself says a lot.

If you don't want her to think you're after sex, then make plans to go out after dinner to do something else, a movie or something? That way there's not a bunch of open-ended time where you'll both be wondering what's going to happen.

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