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Role play to re-ignite things, and to give the partner some fantasy...


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So, as many know I was asked for a separation so my wife could date, because she didn't want to have an affair. Now, first, major props to her for not just cheating, and actually doing the right thing by getting this out in the open first.


Now, 3 months later we are working on reconciliation and it is going well. I'm fixing many bad behaviors, she's being more communicative in her needs. There has not been one single fight (some tense moments) in this three months.


Recently I came home at lunch, and pretended to be an "other man" to her. She seemed to enjoy the role play (it was spontaneous, not something I discussed with her in advance, she just thought hubby was coming home for a bit). I think this will give her some of the freedom and excitement she wants, without the risk (STDs, stigma of an affair, emotional risk of putting yourself out there to be rejected).


Anyone else here have experience with this type of RP in a marriage? Did it work out for you? tips to make it more "real" without crossing any lines? Ways to avoid getting in a "rut" in the affair side?




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