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As usual, I woke up this morning thinking about the good memories of her and the things that I did to screw the relationship up. I am going to make a list of my screw ups.



*Going off on social networks

*Calling her a "B" a couple times in heated arguments


Those were the things that I did to really "hurt" her. While I made her extremely happy at one point, she felt that those three things were unforgivable. NO boy had EVER talked to her like that.


Now I cannot take back these things, but I can make sure that I don't do this with my next girlfriend. I do wish that someday my ex and I could have some kind of relationship. I really hope that she can eventually let those things go and remember that I was really good and loyal to her. I have been sticking to the NC rule and I feel myself getting a little better, but I'm always wondering what she is up to. And I am at a constant struggle with trying to forget about another young man taking my spot and giving her that respect that I didn't always show her.


I think I'll be alright though. I'm going back to Oklahoma for school anyway in a couple of weeks.

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Thats great, you do need to reflect to avoid making the same mistakes. Other things you need to reflect on are the things you didn't like about her - qualities that you would like to see in another girl. It's great to reflect on what you did wrong but don't dwell. Things go wrong sometimes and you don't want to blame yourself totally for it ending because it usually takes two to destroy a relationship.

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