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How do I make this work? HOMECOMING


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Hey everyone!


For my school, homecoming is in a week or so, but not all the "dates" have been taken - in fact, a lot of them haven't. Saying this, I am pretty sure the girl I like is single at the moment.


Now here's the problem; according to my friends who I know are not lying(they know her background and they're my eyes and ears sometimes), she may be looking just for a specific type of bf. I am well sure she is single (unless her bf is in college, but that's unlikely) and I feel I have a shot.


Here is the latest, confusing situation: We were at the football game for our HS the other night. The good and bad:


Good: I have an higher view of everyone from where I am (in the booth) and saw he w/ no particular guy, but she hung out w/ her girl friends. I also saw her eye contact and she was "there" w/ her friend a few times when I was near her. We also """bumped""".


Bad: Since I'm in the booth, I don't really get to talk to her. All I was able to say was "hi" during halftime. I also don't know her very well, but I talk to her a little and she likes my "chocolate" (see my latest thread in the Attraction and Flirting Forum).


Any help, if there even is any, is appreciated. I am 0-fer lifetime, but I've gained a LOT of confidence in the last month - a lot of hot girld have been talking to me and my people skills have improved.


What should I do when dealing with a situation like this? I'm gona try to ask her when the time is right, but I heard she's really picky on who to date - my friend says she wants someone who is "smart" and I feel she also has to think he's attractive. I am smart and no one ever said I looked bad so I'll throw my hat into the ring and give it a shot.

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talk to her then bring up homecoming. see if she has a date, if not then ask her out. youre mindset has to be that she likes you.if there is any doubt in youre mind that she doesnt,you most likely wont aske her out. so say to youreself "she likes me,she wont reject me" then ask her.

good luck and godspeed

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talk to her then bring up homecoming. see if she has a date, if not then ask her out. youre mindset has to be that she likes you.if there is any doubt in youre mind that she doesnt,you most likely wont aske her out. so say to youreself "she likes me,she wont reject me" then ask her.

good luck and godspeed


Thanks man! Ur right - if I have enough confidence in myself and I have the mentality that she can and will say yes, I'll be able to ask her to the dance. Maybe u r "The1" who helped me get a date lol.


She likes chocolate candy and asks me for it every week (yet has a real nice body) so if she says no, I dunno if she gets the chocolate lol - JUST KIDDING (I know, it's a bad joke).

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I'm gonna ask her to the dance 2moro cuz the thing is on Saturday. I wanted to a few days ago but there were other people right near us, including her friends so that was out of the question (we were a weekend class). But not all was lost. I think she might like me:


-After class when 5 of us were talking (me her and other kids in the class), she was looking at me a lot when she was talking - and she was talking a lot of the time.


-Her friend gave me one of those smiles that mean she knows something I don't - I was a little "scared" here.


-She was really loose and open, and seemed real nervous/excited for some reason (almost a little looney, but it's all cool).


-She was leaning towards me when she was talking and when I asked what type of cell phone she had, she flashed it to me, but in that excited/nervous type of way (so she flashed it for .01 seconds). I'd say she was a little high on the energy (and she wasn't on the chocolate).


Do you think these signs mean anything? She's a really nice person, but this may be a little over the edge. Either way, I gotta do something, and I'm asking her to the dance tomorrow.

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Hey man. I just got to give you 1 piece of advise that should clear all this up. If she likes you or has any interest of you, you will know when talking to her by herself. But relax. Girls are girls, you have a lifetime to get with girls. Just ask her out, if she says no. Don't worry about it. Just enjoy life and have fun.

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