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Need help re: Get rid of my 5 year old cat who is peeing everywhere ... ?!?


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They are work. Lots of it. They are a commitment. They require you to read, learn, change your life, lose sleep, spend money, worry, etc....


But then I find them completely worth it. They give me more back than I ever give them in return.




Now, how to discourage pet owners who don't feel the same sense of permanency to stop taking on animals they aren't fully committed to?

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Well let's look at why the dog hurt his ACL that many times to begin with. Could be the original owner was doing or allowing his dog to do something that hurt him. That is bad ownership.


If you buy a breed specific dog and pay huge money because you want a certain look whatever and with that comes genetic problems with muscles or ligaments etc... And then the dog suffers and you can't afford the upkeep that is bad ownership.


If you adopted a dog and it just happened to have some sort of genetic problem where it needed expensive care you could not deal with and you were able to give it a better life with someone else then that is NOT bad ownership.


Bit it comes down to the animals life not yours. Your inconvenience is not a pure excuse.

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Well let's look at why the dog hurt his cal that many times to begin with. Could be the original owner was doing or allowing his dog to do something that hurt him. That is bad ownership.


Quite strange that the dog tore his ACL *THREE TIMES* anyway. After the first, or at the very least the second time it happened - the dog should have gone in for a TPLO.


Plus there is this nifty thing called pet insurance. Too bad I didn't have it when my dog got very ill and I walked home with a nearly $5000 vet bill, but you wouldn't see me thinking about ditching the dog because he ruined my carpet, mattress, sofa and loveseat. I was too concerned for his well being to give that a moment's thought.


OP please follow up with your vet with another urine sample and try some products to remove the scent, or keep the cat out of the house. It HAS been only some days after all.


Do not let your boyfriend be a factor in this decision, my god if my boyfriend tried to get me to rehome my dogs I would start rehoming HIM immediately.

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Exactly? Three times. What was that dog doing? And insurance is great. And I too have had great expenses because I didn't have pet insurance thinking the dog is young and I don't need it. But didn't complain or think about getting rid of my dog.


And for everyone else many people now are willing to help out with local vets and shelters so people can keep their pets during these difficult times. I have even bought food for local pet owners who otherwise thought they would need to get rid of a pet because of hard times. Sometimes all a person needs is a 50 pound bag of dog food and they realize they can make it thru.

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I wanted to suggest getting a second litter box for the cats. If the cat is having issues, he may not be able to make it that far sometimes. Also, when my dog had issues - it was the equivalant of someone really needing to go and crossing their legs and then tripping and they wet themselves. If he would stumble in the slightest, it would happen even if he was not 100% full. Also, if your litter box is in a place like a bathroom where the cat can be shut out of the room by accident, I would especially get a second one. You can even get a cover for it.


I would definitely close the cats in a bedroom or someplace if you are gone until the issue is over with. Do it for a short time once to get them used to it, etc, so its not a radical change. Make sure they have a litter box and if you are only gone for a short time, don't give him water. If you are gone 9 hours, than obviously they need it, but they aren't going to be adversely affected with no water for an hour or two.


Another idea is to get a large or xl dog crate and set it up with a liter box and cushy comforts and put the male cat in there while you are gone. You can even make a shelf for him to jump up on in there. Or even if you had to put him in there for parts of the day while he was dealing with this - that could help also. It would alleviate your bf's stress and buy you time to deal with the issue. You can sometimes find crates cheap at yard sales/estate sales or go to your local freecycle list and see if someone would give you one considering the circumstance. A xl dog crate gives a cat a lot of room to hang out.

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