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No answer after first date


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I went out with a girl the other day and things really went well. We hooked up in the afternoon and the date ended around midnight. The conversation was good. It seems we have a lot in common, she complimented my looks, said she enjoyed herself and said I was charming. I said the same and that we'll talk soon. I was busy the day after but was still tempted to send a little text saying I enjoyed her company and looked forward to seeing her again, but decided to wait till the next day and give her a call. I did, there was no answer, I didn't leave a message and just expected her to see my missed call and call back. So far no text or call back. She's in her late 20's, so I don't expect games or that sort of thing. I'm tempted to text her just to say hey or whatever but I'm still reluctant to do so. What's the next move? Seemed like it went well!

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Why didn't you leave a message?


When you call (not text) a woman after a date, you should do so with one purpose and one purpose only--to set up the next date.


Call her again and this time, if she doesn't answer, leave a message. Keep it short and sweet and just say hi and tell her to call you back. When/if she does, keep the call brief and set up the following date--have a time, date and place already picked out.

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Should I call back tonight? I don't want to seem desperate.


Why didn't you leave a message?


When you call (not text) a woman after a date, you should do so with one purpose and one purpose only--to set up the next date.


Call her again and this time, if she doesn't answer, leave a message. Keep it short and sweet and just say hi and tell her to call you back. When/if she does, keep the call brief and set up the following date--have a time, date and place already picked out.

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Calling a day later isn't desperate. It's follow through.


I would still leave a message if she doesn't answer, even if she seemingly knows your number by ID. If you don't hear back from her then, then write her off and on to the next one. Good luck.

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dont call and dont leave a message...it wont be desperate...it would be you dont have a life and will add a tag prize on her that she didnt even have to work for...thats a huge turn off !!!

another thing, your "late 20's and dont expect games" statement... you sure ?

if you agree with me that dating got nothing to do with marriage and almost 95% only based on physical attraction/desires/etc...then next time kiss on your first date!

if you can bring yourself to do so, at least lips against lips...a quickie one

dont call her and wait for her to show some interest.

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I think I'll go with your advice. I'm not desperate but at the same time would like to see her again.


dont call and dont leave a message...it wont be desperate...it would be you dont have a life and will add a tag prize on her that she didnt even have to work for...thats a huge turn off !!!

another thing, your "late 20's and dont expect games" statement... you sure ?

if you agree with me that dating got nothing to do with marriage and almost 95% only based on physical attraction/desires/etc...then next time kiss on your first date!

if you can bring yourself to do so, at least lips against lips...a quickie one

dont call her and wait for her to show some interest.

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Call her again. If she doesn’t answer your call then do leave a message like camus154 suggested. If you don’t want to leave her a voice message then send her a text. If she doesn’t get back to you, then move on. At least you can say with certainty that you tried.

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I would call again and leave a message or at least text her to try and set something up. That isn't desperate at all - it's just showing interest. She might not be interested but contacting her is the way to find out.


I did try to contact her. If someone calls my phone they don't need to leave a message for me to realize, hey this person would like to speak to me. So, I did what a man is supposed to do after the first now the ball is on her court.

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I did try to contact her. If someone calls my phone they don't need to leave a message for me to realize, hey this person would like to speak to me. So, I did what a man is supposed to do after the first now the ball is on her court.


Except you're not her, are you? You're assuming she's got your name programmed into her phone to match the number...maybe she doesn't. Maybe she gets unassigned numbers calling her all the time.


It's up to you. I think calling once and not leaving a message and assuming you've done all you can do is lazy, but to each his own.

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You're making a mistake by not calling again. There are times I receive calls but my phone doesn't ring / it doesn't show in my call log - like if I'm in a place with no reception, etc. In those instances, the only way I know someone has called is if they leave a voicemail (which will automatically come through when I have a signal again). If you want to give up, that's fine... but I definitely don't think the ball is in her court yet.

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You keep this attitude for this date and future ones and you will not only champion situations but also your own urges.




I did try to contact her. If someone calls my phone they don't need to leave a message for me to realize, hey this person would like to speak to me. So, I did what a man is supposed to do after the first now the ball is on her court.
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You can do that...like most of the guys would do...

Or to just dont do it and let her contact you IF she is interested.

I mean, you dont have much substance here, it was only one date and no kiss or funky action...so lets dont expect this girl to be all worked up cause she hasnt seen you.

And the compliments ? What the hell was she supposed to say ?

Maybe she was just being kind ? Maybe she stayed with you till midnight cause no further plans ? You all cool and fun to have around and she had a good time ? So what !!??

That in my books doesnt mean a " like you" or "lets date another time". Dont be hasty and wait for her.

Because that will make you look good and unique.



I think a simple text tonight or tomorrow saying hey how are you? just to see if i could get her attention should be good. No?
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You can do that...like most of the guys would do...

Or to just dont do it and let her contact you IF she is interested.


I would agree with that if he left a message but he kind of dropped the ball on that. If you contact her again then try to have something planned. I don't think a "hey what's up" is going to do anything for you.. Have a plan if you contact her.

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Don't think shes into you. But theres one way to find out.

I'd leave a text saying hi tried to call, Wondering if you'd like to meet this ( thursday/fri/ sun for a drink/ meal/ somethihng fun )

If you dont get a reply or just a sorry i'm busy that day or = (poor excuse feeling ill/ her mates feeling low her bf has just dumped her ) without her mentioning of another date that you could do instead.

Then delete and move on,

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Ok...a woman's perspective here: If you are interested in seeing her again CALL HER. If you're too put off by the potential rejection, then send a text, but DO SOMETHING.


I think it's interesting that you think that calling someone and not leaving a message is going to automatically result in a call back. I have exactly the opposite take on this: If someone calls and doesn't leave a message, I assume it's not important, and I figure they'll call me back when it is, so I don't generally return missed calls if no message was left. It feels to me like you're "testing" to see if she's interested. The best way to gauge her interest is to call her and ask her out. If she says no, or if she's iffy about it, or if you leave a message to that effect and she doesn't return your call, you'll have an answer, and you can go forward either way --- either go out with her again or move on.


Simple, really. I hope you'll at least text her.

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and ? did you get a reply ? what did she say ?



Yeah I'll just text her later. I'm not the type to play games, and she doesn't seem like the type too. I'm a confident person and she's aware of that. So if she thinks I'm desperate, so what.
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