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How do I know she's not 'just being nice'?

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When I broke up with my ex, one of her best friends was there to help me through it, and I was very grateful to her. She always told me that she would not judge and would be a friend to both of us... but sometimes I get the feeling that she doesn't really like me or care about me as a friend.


I was feeling bad last week, and called her to let her know I could really use someone to talk to... but she wasn't there, and she never called me back. I let her know today by email that I felt really bad about that, and that it would have just been nice to know she cares... I almost wanted to say, "If you don't really care about me, then just say so... don't pretend to care when in reality you just don't want to hurt me." I guess I could say something like that, in a nicer tone -- but then, if she does genuinely want to be my friend, that'll just make her think I don't trust her.


Last time I talked to her, I was in New York City, and coming home that night. She asked me to call her when I got back to let her know I got home alright. That seemed a little overmuch... but the least she could do is let me know she cares when I really *do* need her.


How do I know whether I'm just wasting her time, and she's just wasting mine?


Is there anything I can say or do to make it clear that I don't want to be treated like that? I don't want anyone to feel they have to be my friend just because I was really vulnerable when we met... and I surely want anyone who *is* my friend to care enough to want to help me when I ask for it (and I don't ask for much).

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