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If both partners are willing and able, the sex life will be good. :)


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If both partners are willing and able, the sex life will be good.


Just curious if people agree or disagree with the above statement. Can every loving couple's sex life improve with communication if both partners are willing and able? I had previously blamed factors for a less-than-perfect sex life. Just wondering if people believe that only certain couples have sexual "chemistry" or any couple can gain it, if they give it their best effort?

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Yes if they are sexually attracted to each other and if the reason the sex life needs improving does not involve fetishes or kinky sex practices or alternative practices (threesomes, etc) that the other partner is not willing to partake in.

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If both partners are willing and able, the sex life will be good.


Just curious if people agree or disagree with the above statement. Can every loving couple's sex life improve with communication if both partners are willing and able? I had previously blamed factors for a less-than-perfect sex life. Just wondering if people believe that only certain couples have sexual "chemistry" or any couple can gain it, if they give it their best effort?


I firmly believe No.


No for me. First, each person has to decide what for them is "good" or "satisfactory". What is improvement?


Love is love. Compatibility is a different thing altogether. One can exist without the other. And that can be sweet and fine. Even what some may consider "good". Sex can exist, and be great, without either. This is all relative to the people involved and what they want/need/value. But is it enough? What are the measurements here?


Some situations have more potential than others. Even animals have this - you can not simply throw any two animals in a cage/room together and expect a great sexual match. And not for lack of effort on the animals part either. Different people are going to compliment each other better than others, understand each other better, interest one another ....effort is well and good and can improve, communication can improve...but still, there exists a latent potential.


Two people can love each other, neither one be deviants lol, have reasonable expectations, and still not have a satisfying sexual relationship between the two of them. People are people, not machines where you plug X need into Y and it will always equal satisfaction.


I'm not talking from some past experience where things were bad. Not had that happen to me. I have loved and had intimacy without sexual compatibility - it's a not a matter of effort, and it's not even a matter of lack of attraction, it is a matter of compatibility plain and simple. Perhaps something else is more important than sexual satisfaction; even for a time. But that doesn't necessarily mean that because this person is compatible as a loving partner, that they are as a sexual one. Ever.


What is so wrong with this idea? It is a strange idea to me that it doesn't matter who the person is ; it's just about wanting it enough. ?


just my thoughts.

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I think that's not true... Sometimes the other person really ain't that great at it, and it's even worse if they're technique is horrible and they're really small.

But yeah, MOST of the time sex will be good if both are enthusiastic and willing to please. But you got to be sexually compatible.

I've heard of other people having DISASTERS just cos they don't mesh well together sexually =X.

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I think that's not true... Sometimes the other person really ain't that great at it, and it's even worse if they're technique is horrible and they're really small.

But yeah, MOST of the time sex will be good if both are enthusiastic and willing to please. But you got to be sexually compatible.

I've heard of other people having DISASTERS just cos they don't mesh well together sexually =X.



I should add to my post above that if the woman is particular about size or if the couple isn't willing to work on technique then that can be something love/communication can't solve -meaning if the woman prioritizes size over the other aspects of a satisfying sexual relationship. I think a woman who is particular about size probably should find that out soon so that the man has the opportunity to move on quickly to a woman for whom that wouldn't be an issue.

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Thanks for the responses I think I agree a little with each of the responses. In the past, I agreed with the "sexual compatibility" idea, but now I'm changing my mind. It's a shame that a otherwise wonderful relationship would have to end because two people don't try hard enough or are honest with likes/dislikes in the bedroom.

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