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Has anyone had this type of BC? I am not very good with taking pills and I got pregnant with my second child (when my son was only 3.5 months old) after not using nuvaring correctly and while she was a welcomed surprise, I would prefer no other surprises!


I have heard that it is painful and my doctor confirmed that, but I'm not sure if it's just the insertion or how long the pain lasted. Also just how painful is it? Just wanted to see if anyone else had the IUD and how you liked it. I have looked into different BC options and after speaking to my OB have decided this is the best route for me, but just wanted to see how others felt about theirs.

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The insertion was painful, but I am particularly sensitive down there. I've had the IUD for a little while now (around 2 years), and I like it. I have no monthly period nor any noticeable side effects but I don't tend to notice them unless they are extreme; so that's a big plus in my book.


The pain is more than worth it. A little crampy the next day, but nothing major. It's nothing next to childbirth.

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I got mine because my ex told me we needed to be safe, huh.. Well anyways yes it did hurt, I remember almost breaking his hand off I squeezed so tight. It really only lasted for a few minutes, my cervix was making it last long because I have not had kids. I was told that if you have had children vaginally you will feel less pain. Actually the doctor who put it in said that most mothers tell them that pain was nothing compared to childbirth. I think you should be fine. You will bleed for the first day, and I had spotting after intercourse when we were doing it, which she informed me that is is normal for up to six months after.

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I think either IUD or Depo provera shot would be a great choice for you, esp if you found that you were using nuvaring improperly.


You will be in some pain and have some discomfort, that usually only lasts a short time after insertion. If placed properly, you soon will not be feeling it at all and you won't have to worry about BC for several more years. If you've been through childbirth, you can DEFINITELY handle this. Remember to take some Advil for inflammation/pain relief and you will be fine.

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I know people for whom IUD suited really well and I also know people for whom IUD did not suite that well and they had it removed. Do not worry about the pain. Its not a big deal. You go to your gynec, consult about IUD which is good for you, purchase that, and within 10-15 minutes the gynec will insert it. Its not a surgery, actually its nothing at all.

After sometine they do a sonography to observe if its in proper place or not. Within 2-3 weeks you will be able to determine properly if it suites you or not. If it does not suite you then simply get it removed. Thats it ..

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Thanks everyone. I'm having it inputted next month and my insurance is covering it which is great because my OB office said they might not (I guess many policies don't) and it would be close to $900.00. I really like the idea of light/no period, as I normally have a heavy one.


I'll definitely be taking advil beforehand, my doctor also warned me to do this as well! His exact words were, "you will hate me on that day." At least he's honest!

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I have a friend that has the Mirena. She says she likes it because she doesn't have to remember to take a pill every day, but she doesn't like the symptoms that come with it (your basic hormonal contraceptive symptoms). My sister has the paragard (which is what I'd opt for, personally) and she said she nearly cried when they put it in and had cramps and bleeding for several days after. She is nulliparous though.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I had mirena inserted today, and honestly it wasn't that bad! I would say it's comparable to having a regular pap smear with a little more cramping. I took some deep breaths and the doctor asked me about how my kids were and before I knew it was over. I am having some bleeding and some very light cramping, but nothing like I expected. My OB did say that I did REALLY well, so maybe I have a high pain tolerance, but I wouldn't consider the insertion 'painful' more uncomfortable. Also- although I have had 2 babies, they were both c-sections, so my OB told me that my experience would be similar to that of a woman who has not had a baby before.


Just wanted to update with my experience, in case anyone is considering it.

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I have it too and I really like it. It makes life so easy.


I got mine in 2009. I posted a thread about it here.


I was really scared to death of getting it put in and it turned out not to be bad at all. I'm glad you had the same experience.


When I first got it, I had some cramping and spotting, and for a few months I swear I felt it inside me, especially when I sat in certain positions. It also caused an uncomfortable feeling during sex for the first 2 months or so. My OB did an ultrasound jus tto make sure it was fine and in place, etc. It was. It just took me some time to get used to it. I would say after 6 months I was completely used to it and did not know it was there.


One of the best perks is that for most women, once the body adapts to it, over time it results in a ligther period or no period at all.


I haven't had to deal with a period at all since 2010 or so.

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