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Damn! i checked up on my ex's facebook.. and now.. it hurts...

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Facebook is evil! My ex tried to get me to sign up so he could rub it in his ex's face (oh the signs) but I refused.


I'd say what others are saying, deactivate and stay the heck away from it, put a blocker on the site, or a post it note on your screen telling you not to go there!!

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I stopped snooping when I came to realization of how painful it is to know he's in a much happier relationship with a much better person, or just in general, a more desirable place than I am. So now, Everytime I am curious of how he's doing, I remind myself how hurtful it is to check on him. Same applies for breaking NC. Breaking NC to reach out to him is much more painful than never ever hearing/knowing/talking to him again. Everyone, you don't deserve this pain; why put yourself through it when you really don't have to? You have control over your curiosity and desperation. Love yourself.


Well said.

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I deactivated my account 3 months ago and I have no regrets. The people that do care that I just suddenly vanish would understand. Otherwise FB has use for me anymore. It just feels fake and people tries too hard. Plus I needed to remove the temptation of seeing my ex.

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Hi i can give you the advice not to look at fb at your ex! I did too, and every time i saw things i wish i never have seen vause these pictures and information about his new life bring nothing but pain, make you feel strange, an outsider, dont torture yourself with this and remember things can look very different on the surface, people can put up a show to make you believe in there new selves, but you have to look trough this, she may be in pain, its a reason to put a mask up and not really face yourself and pain you have to deal with after a break up... She hardenend herself, maybe became bitter, its up to her to decide how she wants to treat herself and others around her... Remember when you love yourself you can also love other people when you grieve you can decide to how your grief or try to put up a show and bitter yourself...

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