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Why doesn't my partner (woman) seem to want sex anymore?


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We have been together since August of 2011. We've had a great relationship, which mostly is a sex-life. As of lately, she has been making excuses for us not to get together.. such as she's been feeling ill, too busy, too tired from her job, etc...


Do you have any idea of why she doesn't seem to want us to have sex together anymore?

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Well, if as you say the relationship was 'mostly' a sex-life, then perhaps she wants to have a multi-dimensional relationship that isn't just about sex... i.e., she wants to whole life with you not just a sex life, and may feel used if all you do when you see each other is you try to have sex with her. Women don't like to feel as if the only thing a man wants from her is sex... it's really a turn off and makes them feel used, like you're a horny dog trying to hump their leg rather than a person who cares about her as a person...

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Hmm... if she really was wanting more, though, she would have almost certainly been saying it, or at least hinting. Things like "Hey, you should take me out more", "do you like me for more than sex??", etc. etc. This sounds more like a case of her finding someone new. I'd be calm, friendly, and direct with her so that if it's true you don't drag it out.

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Well..if I've ever felt tired of it...its because I was bored with it. There was no foreplay...no teasing..touching...it was just intercourse. Which sounds weird but I hope you understand what I'm saying. I wanted more passion and time taken on me instead of just hitting and quitting basically. Try something new or teasing etc. You never know..or I would just flat out ask her. I got to the point where I told my guy what I wanted/needed more of.

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Well..if I've ever felt tired of it...its because I was bored with it. There was no foreplay...no teasing..touching...it was just intercourse. Which sounds weird but I hope you understand what I'm saying. I wanted more passion and time taken on me instead of just hitting and quitting basically. Try something new or teasing etc. You never know..or I would just flat out ask her. I got to the point where I told my guy what I wanted/needed more of.


Ah.. I see.

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