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Soon I will be 34 and I never had a gf. Is this a bad sign?


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Oh yes the other size that matters. And that is also a problem for me, I do have a small tiny penis. I did write a thread about this awhile ago. If a girl saw my tiny penis, she would laugh. It sucks for me having all of these body defects, being born with a bone disorder, being only 5'2, no physical attraction and having a small tiny stub penis, just makes it so difficult to date and get a gf. If I had only 1 of the 4 body defects then it would not be so bad or hard to get a date or a gf but having all 4 makes it impossible to date.


Dude, your base problem isn't your height, its how you look at yourself. I don't know you from a hole in the ground, but in your threads I haven't seen you say one nice thing about yourself. Believe in yourself! Now, I am horrendous with finding women myself, I want a relationship so bad. but I value myself. Have I had many long term relationships? Hells no! Can I talk to a pretty girl sitting next to me? I can proudly say that I can. I hate dating sites too, but it all starts with your inner dialogue. You can meet 30 women and have no luck or you could meet one girl who is your dream girl. I believe if you have the right approach (find that inner confidence, maybe you're good at your job, really funny, really smart, you're a tv buff, like movies, are into politics) and take it slow you will get there!


I have hard days too. There are days I don't know why I get up in the morning. But I have my health, my parents, my brother, good friends, some money to last me til my next job. They key is to find reasons to enjoy life, find reasons to move forward, find reasons to love yourself and constantly build from there. When life tells us no, maybe instead of life giving us more s$$t, we should see it as life telling us to try a different path to get what we want. Good luck out there!

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I admit that OP does have very bad self esteem, but the fact of the matter is, 5'2" is a V E R Y hard obstacle to overcome in the dating world. Height is the #1 deal breaker when it comes to dating, and even very short women (below 5ft) would be quick to dismiss him as "too short" for many reasons, even though he is tall enough for those girls. Women are incredibly brutal when it comes to height. I'm a little on the short side and have done ok, but height discrimination and dating issues for short men are very real.


I think OP needs to get offline. OLD is not kind to short men because a) they're usually not even seen as they're filtered out and b) Women who even DO see his profile will likely get turned off just being seeing his height on paper (even though it's probably not as bad in real life). I think OP needs to first work on his confidence as much as possible (which I know is hard given his height and track record with dating), and then try to meet women in real life. Women are more abt to give a short guy a chance in real life, it seems. I also think many women don't really know how tall or short certain heights are. I'm a little under average at 5'8", but with OLD, they all assume we're inflating our own height and I think they think that anything under 5'10" is "short."

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