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Healing After Break question

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9 month relationship and its been about 3 weeks and its very tough...if i think about it, i just get emotional. but honestly you never get over that person. its just about time healing the wounds, and the scar is there it just doesnt hurt anymore.


my first love was someone i was with everyday for 10 yrs (however we never went out, we were like 14 when he moved)...and i still think about him and sometimes thinking about it still hurts, but its not as hard.

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1. Close for 18 months and going out for 9.


2. It's been less than a wee and I'm finding it hard.


The girl I was seeing before was almost 3 months and I still think of her. We've been in touch recently though and we're now good friends. Took me a few months to get over the split.

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been with my ex for 7 years.


its been 8 months now and it doesn't hurt as much anymore. i still get lonely and upset but i'm can feel myself growing and becoming a better person. i am no longer depending on someone else for my happiness.

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1. a year


2. now been 7 weeks. zero contact. have now reached the stage where i can convince outsiders that i'm happy and ok (90% of the time - the rest of the time i lapse and look like misery itself). haven't yet reached the stage of actually feeling happy and ok for anything other than fleeting moments. the rest is dull ache/pretty down.


got to get better though..

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I was with my ex almost five years.


We broke up a year ago and with this one I am healed up completely.


I am dealing with another that I was with that is still sore with me after all these years. Just another reason to never hop into a rebound relationship because eventually you have to deal with the pain.



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