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what is the sweetest revenge??

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Ok they say that the sweetest revenge to someone who broke your heart and treated you like a crap and dumped you, is to show them that you are better off without them.


"Happiness is the sweetest revenge" they said..


Imagine getting yourself back on track, healed and becoming a better person. Looking fresh and new wearing that big smile in your face facing your everyday life with a happy heart.


Until one day that person bump into you, and you wouldnt give a crap about them anymore.



Share your stories, did something like this happened to you in the past? how was it?

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What happened with me, is that I bettered myself after much pain and struggling. Eventually I did bump into some of my exes and it's true, you don't care about them anymore after you've healed and worked on yourself. It's because when you heal yourself you realize why the break up happened and that you deserve a lot better.


Your standards go up and you gain a better respect for yourself. So, you end up looking at your ex like they are a just a creep, or a nobody.

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Revenge ? That isn't a road to even think about travelling down. It comes from a bad place. You will feel a lot better about yourself if you look at bettering yourself for you .. and you alone


Who cares what our ex thinks..


I don't want mine to be unhappy thinking she missed out on me... I want me to be happy

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Well, I wouldn't call it " revenge " bc by the time I bumped into them, it was YEARS after the break up and I no longer cared about them ( nor did I even know that they were there! ).


Story 1 : An ex saw me at the opening of an artists' gala. The artist did two massive portraits of me and he saw all the attention that I was getting ( not just from artists but prospective buyers of the portraits ). He approached me to wish me well and I was genuinely surprised to see him but COMPLETELY over him. It was also perfect timing that my drop-dead gorgeous current bf was there with me.


Story 2 : My high school sweetheart who broke my heart twice at the age of 18 and then finally, at the age of 21, came upon some FB pics of my around the world travels as we have one or two mutual friends from highschool. At the time, I wasn't too familiar with FB photo privacy settings and had some albums of my travels on public display. I got a message from him on FB ( with an " Add Friends " request ) saying that he was amazed at all my travels and he wishes he was in my shoes....then he continued on to criticise his wife and how boring their travels are and how he can't find a job. I added him on FB but seriously, I didn't even care to respond to his looonnnnggg e-mail about how miserable his life is. I wrote something simple like, " Oh sorry...still on my travels...will write longer e-mail later on...etc etc ".

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Omg....I had a thing for this guy for a loooong time...when I was much younger...and dumber. He, for lack of better words treated me like crap. I was too young and naive to understand I deserved better....anyway..about two or three years ago, I saw him on the beach...balding ,pot belly...and I almost said hi to him...(knee jerk reaction)..by then I looked MUCH different too..I kept walking right past him, never said a word. I turned around after about five minutes..and he was still watching me walk away...ahhhh..lthat felt good!!! Lol

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Ok they say that the sweetest revenge to someone who broke your heart and treated you like a crap and dumped you, is to show them that you are better off without them.


"Happiness is the sweetest revenge" they said..


That's just all cover up. Deep down you still care about them.


It's really a matter of if you TRULY feel indifferent towards them. And when you get to that stage, you won't care about "revenge".

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It's pathetic but I have this need for justice and to be proven right (when my gut tells me I am) . The best 'revenge' for me would be to know that he had the same issues with his next relationships, to have evidence that it wasn't me, that he's the crazy one. I really hope I stop caring about that soon..ugh.

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