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I have one more obstacle before I ask this girl out.

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I want to ask this girl out, yet I don't have a driver's liscence, and neither does she, which means the only way is through my parents...


How should I handle this for the first date? (Oh, and I'm not getting my liscence for 7 more months, so it's not something I can just put off a little while longer) Should I just bite the bullet and pick her up with my mom or dad driving? I really hate that option, as it's usually very awkward, but it does seem a bit better, and a bit more romantic then both of us driving to the spot and meeting. What would you suggest?


I would wait, but girls can be fickle, so even if she likes me now, she may not (and probably wont) like me in 5+ months.

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If it's a small town, how far away does the girl live and where you want to take her? You could always walk or take a bicycle or something... y'know... talk & get a little exercise while on the date...


No, no what am I thinking?


Get one of your parents to drive. It's a perfectly normal thing to do. Just make small talk while in the car, then woo her after you get out.

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