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He's officially single again

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As you will see from previous posts my ex came and stayed at my house last night (big mistake). He broke up with me 2 weeks ago and has been calling me and telling me he misses me even after me initiating NC.


I deleted him off Facebook when it happened but my gf just called and told me that today he has officially changed his Facebook to single.


What is with these games? I don't want to speak to him or see him again but on Saturday he has to drive me somewhere important as I have noone else to take me and I have no other way of getting there.


I thought I was starting to do ok but this has just been a stab in the heart. I feel like being sick. The tears have started again. I just needed to get it out & express how I'm feeling if anyone has any advice that would be great. I just don't understand these games.

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Hey babe, like I said, I would have done the same as you letting him come over. I'm not strong willed at all like that.


I know it may be hard but try and see if someone else will take you. I didn't realise he had come over yet changed his FB relationship status. That is mind games and he surely must have known someone would tell you?


I would stay clear of him for now, go NC. I don't know if you really do want him back or not but you don't need this right now. He needs to realise he can't do this to you, it's really unfair.


Hope you're ok xxx

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A common theme with ex's trying to come round , is that you are teaching them they can get away with it by your actions. If you open the door, they will expect no resistance the next time, then the next time until you teach them that they cannot. Believe me , we have all been there and it is hard to say no , unfortunately it is very necessary.

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Hey babe, like I said, I would have done the same as you letting him come over. I'm not strong willed at all like that.


I know it may be hard but try and see if someone else will take you. I didn't realise he had come over yet changed his FB relationship status. That is mind games and he surely must have known someone would tell you?


I would stay clear of him for now, go NC. I don't know if you really do want him back or not but you don't need this right now. He needs to realise he can't do this to you, it's really unfair.


Hope you're ok xxx






OP, you need to move on and stop worrying about him.

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Seriously, you need to find another ride, or cancel. Your sanity and well being are much more important than being sat in the car with someone who clearly doesnt respect you.


He now knows he can get away with treating you badly and he will therefore continue. You have to go NC. If you see him, you are not helping yourself. Believe me, I have been there and know its not a smart move. Yes, its hard, so damn hard, but Ive been with a game player and disrespectful man and you have to be really strong to break away from it. Start now! I started too late and now 4 months post BU, Im still struggling. Wish Id found this place earlier for some of the great advice I have been given. Would have probably saved me from a lot of heartbreak and mistakes.....

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