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Back in the dating game....advice please


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I have recently been going through a very tough break up. I was a total mess last week, and was asked on a date, so even though it was very soon i decided to go and take my mind off things....


I met this guy 3 years ago overseas and we hit it off straight away. We partied for days but nothing happened between us as he had a girlfriend back home at the time. over the last 3 years we have added each other on facebook, and i saw that when i started dating my ex he broke up with his girlfriend. He was messaging me a few times asking if i wanted to catch up, but i didnt think it was a good idea as i had a boyfriend. I changed my relationship status to single last week and receive a text straight away from him, saying 'nice update ' then asking if that meant we could finally catch up for drinks. I said yes and we arranged to meet last friday night. We had a great night, went up to a bar and had a few drinks then back to his place to watch a dvd. At drinks the converstaion was flowing and we had so much in common, it was really enjoyable, definetly no awkward silences. When he invited me back to his place, alarm bells went off straight away and i thought, here we go, he wants one thing - sex. We watched a dvd & he kissed me, and that was it! I was so happy that he hadnt tried anything further. He then dropped me home and said that he will see me soon.


He then texted me the next day and we exchanged a few casual texts. I texted him the day after and we had a few more texts. He was out with the boys and said he would talk to me later, but i havent heard from him since?


I am definetly not getting into anything as i am still greiving my ex, and trying to heal from my previous relationship, but im just trying to figure out why i havent heard from him, when we had such a great night? Hes a good guy, and if anything i would be happy with his friendship as we get along so well and have sooo much in common... im just a little confused as to why i havent heard from him?

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Don't stress it, its only been a couple of days.


He didn't even try to have sex with you so he at least respects the fact that you just broke up with your ex and stuff and wants to take it slow if anything (I assume). You should take it easy as well, be nonchalant about it. Wait another day or two and see if he gets in touch, if not then you can, assuming you do want to see him again.


The only ones I ex-communicate are the ones who harass me straight away, or give up the cookie first date. I think guys need time to let things settle and think about what we want to do next, I do anyway.

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