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I'm not sure whether this is the right topic to be posting this but alwell..


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Okay well,


round a bout last sunday i only just realized that my older brother who is now 24 sexually assaulted me 9 years ago when i was 6.

he'd tell me to lay on my stomach and the he'd try and insert his penis into my butt and do other things aswell.


and i guess lately since he lives at home with me and mum and all, i've been stressing about it. He works, but the majority of the time he finishes work before mum gets home and it's just us 2.


it gets really awkward and I'm kinda scared.


should i say something although it happened 9 years ago? if so, how? I have alot trouble speaking to others about problems.

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This makes me so ill. He needs to be in severe therapy and you as well need to seek councel. If no one believes you still speak out. He may retaliate so i'd speak to someone outside the home. If you try in home your safety may be in trouble. call the abuse hotline or speak to a teacher or councelor. Its not your fault, you didn't do anything.

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Hi. I am so sorry you are going through this. I do think an abuse hotline might be a good thing to try. You mentioned you have issues talking about this to others- with a hotline you are able to talk about it without having to be face to face with anyone. Another thing you might do is search hotline websites and see if any of them communicate via email. If so you could cut and paste your posts from ENA into an email to them.

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Harrowing to read about such an awful predicament you are in, but you need to address this issue.

If you are stressing about it now and it is not resolved those feeling and thoughts will always be with you.

They will only gather momentum and in a worse case scenario envelope you later in life that could be very detrimental to you!

You have stated you have ‘trouble’ with speaking to others but you have been courageous enough to post your feelings on the net. I hope you find the right course of action to take and I hope that this community on here gives you the courage and conviction in sorting out this matter.

I’d like to offer you my support on this matter.

Take care and good luck.


Mason Cash


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Hi tabbyloves. Is there a teacher at your school that you trust and can talk to about this? Or a counselor there? I know it's not easy to find someone you are comfortable with. And you know you don't even have to reveal things for awhile until you feel you are ready. Sometimes just talking about things in general can help. Then when you feel you are ready you can let them know about your brother.


The hotline suggestion is really good too. Here are a few:





1. Child Protection and Family Crisis Service = 1800 066 777

2. Violence Against Women = 1800 200 526


General Youth Support

1. Family Relationship Advice Line = 1800 050 321

2. Kid's Help Line = 1800 55 1800

3. Lifeline = 13 11 14

4. Suicide Hotline = 1800 198 393

5. Youth Help Line [south Australia only--local rates apply] = 1300 13 17 19

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I'm so sorry that this has happened to you


I definitely think you should talk to someone about it. Is there another family member/ friend/ teacher/ someone else that you trust enough to be able to tell them what happened and how you feel about it? I think it's really important to talk to somebody about what happened 9 years ago and how it is affecting you. If you can't think of anyone you trust enough to speak to about it, the phone numbers that avman provided may be useful. Good luck.

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Would you ever consider telling your mother about the abuse? Do you have a good relationship with your mother?


Has your brother ever caused any other kinds of trouble in his life (in school, or with other girls, or has he given your mother a hard time??) Has he ever abused anyone else?

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