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Ladies: Ever been on BC that contributed to depression or horrible mood swings?

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For a long time I've been on the pill because without it, I have absolutely HORRIBLE cramps during my period, especially the first day. I literally can't function on day 1 and day 2 isn't much better.


I've been on this current pill for about 5 or 6 months. I've switched pills several times over the past 2 to 3 years, as I've not been satisfied with one just yet. Plus I was once taking Yaz and it got a lot of bad press so I felt I should probably switch it. I've been feeling twinges of depression for a little while now and it doesn't help that I'm getting over the breakup of a toxic relationship, but this depression is strange. It comes in "waves", I'll be thinking bright and positive for a couple hours, then be in tears and hopeless a few hours later, being helpful and kind to my family one minute, then snapping and getting highly annoyed with them the next. Its been a gradual thing that is getting worse and I'm having a hard time making sense of it all, so I've been doing my research. I'm also about to start seeing a therapist but hey, if getting rid of my current BC will help also, then maybe I can feel double the relief from all this craziness going on in my life right now. Also, I've tried to track when I'm generally feeling the worst, and it does seem to be the worst right before my period starts.


I just wanted to see if anyone else out there felt similar feelings while being on a certain pill.

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I have no experience with this personally, but a friend of mine used to turn into a complete psychopath because of it.


Can't say I blame her mood swings and temperamental ways on a pill completely.

It probably added to her problems, but minimally.

There are enough low-dose hormone alternatives out there.

Which brand are you taking?

Also, are you sure it's the pill and not you?

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I definitely recommend not taking Yaz. My friend was taking it and got blood clots in her lungs and almost died.


I am currently taking Lo loestrin. I am on it specifically for BAD cramps. My cramps were so bad I was taking codone and it still was not helping.


When I first started taking the pill I will admit I was psycho, haha. One minute I wanted to cry and the next I wanted to kill someone. I would also get really bad cramps and heavy spotting. This is normal though and those things have gone away. I feel normal and sometimes I don't even get my period...which I prefer. You just have to let your body adjust.

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I have no experience with this personally, but a friend of mine used to turn into a complete psychopath because of it.


Can't say I blame her mood swings and temperamental ways on a pill completely.

It probably added to her problems, but minimally.

There are enough low-dose hormone alternatives out there.

Which brand are you taking?

Also, are you sure it's the pill and not you?


Nope, not sure of anything just doing a little research. All I know is the mood swings are gradually getting worse and as far back as 2 months ago I was actually feeling pretty happy and optimistic on a day to day basis.

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i did, two years ago, i switched to another pill and over here they give you a cheaper brand, they say it is the same as the original, but it's not, i got rage outbursts, and i mean screaming, kicking against doors, hitting walls rage.....called doctor and now got the more expensive, real version of the same pill, no problems anymore....

so yes, that can happen!!

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i did, two years ago, i switched to another pill and over here they give you a cheaper brand, they say it is the same as the original, but it's not, i got rage outbursts, and i mean screaming, kicking against doors, hitting walls rage.....called doctor and now got the more expensive, real version of the same pill, no problems anymore....

so yes, that can happen!!


That interesting, because I'm on a cheaper "generic" version of the real thing as well due to the insurance I'm on. The real thing is Ortho Novum 7/7/7, which was the one I actually started with about 5 years ago and don't remember any problems back then. But now when I got back on it, I got the generic and maybe its got some harsher stuff in it...

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i had the same thing, i used to have this pill years ago, no problems, then two years ago i got the cheaper version, and they claim it is exactly the same, but it's not.....got back to the real thing, no more problems.....the cheap one also caused sever eczema, the real thing doesn't.....worth to ask your doctor...maybe a lot of people have no problems with the cheaper ones, but there are those who have severe problems with them....maybe more sensitive to some ingredients or something...but i do know that i did not recognize myself while on that pill....i was so aggresive! lol

over here it is also an insurance issue, but my doctor now demands they give the real thing for medical reasons and that worked, don't have to pay it either.

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I definitely recommend not taking Yaz. My friend was taking it and got blood clots in her lungs and almost died.


I am currently taking Lo loestrin. I am on it specifically for BAD cramps. My cramps were so bad I was taking codone and it still was not helping.


When I first started taking the pill I will admit I was psycho, haha. One minute I wanted to cry and the next I wanted to kill someone. I would also get really bad cramps and heavy spotting. This is normal though and those things have gone away. I feel normal and sometimes I don't even get my period...which I prefer. You just have to let your body adjust.


I know what you mean about even the strongest medicine not touching the cramps Its a horrendous feeling. And yikes, what a terrible story about your friend! Yeah I'm glad I got off of Yaz in due time.

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i had the same thing, i used to have this pill years ago, no problems, then two years ago i got the cheaper version, and they claim it is exactly the same, but it's not.....got back to the real thing, no more problems.....the cheap one also caused sever eczema, the real thing doesn't.....worth to ask your doctor...maybe a lot of people have no problems with the cheaper ones, but there are those who have severe problems with them....maybe more sensitive to some ingredients or something...but i do know that i did not recognize myself while on that pill....i was so aggresive! lol

over here it is also an insurance issue, but my doctor now demands they give the real thing for medical reasons and that worked, don't have to pay it either.


Thanks for your input, I'll definitely give my doctor a call tomorrow and see what she says. Its worth a shot!

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I found when I was on implanon I felt really strange and overly emotional, a few of my friends felt the same but to me it sounds like you might actually be suffering from depression and if that's the case, you should really talk to your gp and get the right help... It's an awful feeling and I really hope things get better for you! All the best

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I've been on Yaz and in the past I used to get a little sad before my period, but Yaz has really stopped me from doing that now. I'm a pretty stable person now and I don't get upset to due hormonals. I feel physically crappy during occasional heavy periods but nothing emotional, no. All thanks to Yaz.

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I think every woman experiences emotional struggles right before you have to get your period. But I think, you are suffering from symptons of a depression.

I am also pushing family away, who try to help me (I am still not over a very painful BU of 1 year ago and I am a little lost because after one gap year I still cannot pick a college, university or education, and I am working at a mall, highly underpaid and I sit at home every single day when not at work).

One moment I am cheerful and happy and singing, and a few hours later, when boredom and feelings of loneliness strike, I am snapping at my brother, my father, burst out in rage about nothing and cry my eyes out. I know things will get better, when I finally go to college. Do you have anything you can look forward too? That's worth living for and it makes you realise that it is just a phase.

(BTW, I experience very bad temper right before I have to get my period as well.)

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Thanks Ggii, it actually sounds like we're somewhat similar. I was looking forward to a lot of things a few months ago. I'm finishing up at college and will know soon if I am accepted into my selective admissions program of choice (thats something that will definitely make me happy, if I get accepted). I think I get bored a lot too and need to find more things to occupy my time, its just hard right now considering my circumstances and the crappy weather we've been having. I don't know... I feel a little lost too but its strange because I swear, I felt really good just a few months ago.

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Yes, I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen for a few months and became horribly emotional and depressed. I believe I was suffering from depression prior to being on the pill- I haven't read up on whether there is evidence for it or not, but I do believe the pill exacerbated my existing depression.


Your serotonin levels do drop right before your period which is why depression is often experienced as part of PMS.


I won't ever go on hormonal birth control ever again because of this; I'd rather be pregnant than trapped in emotional hell.

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I recognize everything you say! Maybe it's because we have had all the festivities during december and january, and now... We'restuck. The weather is just as bad, but there is no holiday atmosphere. It's too cold to go and do something, to rainy. When May is there, I am sure that everything will be better.

I get bored very easily as well. When I get up in the morning, on a free day for instance and I know that all my friends are working or in college, I say to myself: "okay ... so today I am going to excercise or take a walk in the woods, and I will make a painting or play some piano, rent a movie at night with my brother, or go out for a drink. But instead, the computer takes my attention away and I end up on sites like these, no inspiration to draw or paint, no motivation to work out, nothing. We should ban the computer. I have started it two days ago. not more than 1,5 hours a day. It works!!! I feel happier instantly. Maybe it's a thing you should consider?

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