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Everything posted by Ggii

  1. I hope you still think of me, because I hate to admit it but I still think of you. Why didn't you just have the guts to break up with me, it would have saved me a lot of months wasted on you. Didn't you care about me at all? What did you tell your friends, because one of them was disliking all my pictures on facebook? Did you tell them the truth, about how you said to me once that you've found my friend more attractive than me? And that I was still mad about that, even though you said it when you were drunk? Or did you tell them a lie, about me cheating. You were always so afraid I would cheat on you, you didn't believe me when your uncle told you he had seen me kssing some guy. I never did. He was messing with you. All these questions are tormenting me. And every year I see you on th birthday of my friend and her family and it is killing me to see you, knowing you don't want to talk to me. When I see a photo of you on Facebook and some girl that looks like me (although I know she is not your girlfriend), I'm depressed for a whole day. The thought of you with somebody else makes me nauxious, even though we broke up more than over a year ago. I want you back. Why do you still have e-mails from me (but not the angry ones) in your mailbox. Why did you create facebook after I did? Why didn't you want to sort things out, when I asked you? Why did it took you 3 days to reply: "No I don't want that. Sorry." Why did you say sorry? You barely say sorry, only when you feel really guilty and bad. I still love you. I miss you. I miss us.
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