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Is it ever too late?

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I'm just going to keep this really short and sweet.


Is it ever too late to just call an ex to say 'hi'? I haven't spoken to my ex for nearly six months now. Total NC. I've been thinking about her quite a bit lately tho. Do you think it's too late/bad idea to call? Should I just leave her alone for good at this point?

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did you guys part on good terms? if so, then i would go ahead and call, unless doing so will make you upset in any way. first, ask yourself why you want to speak to her...if you just want to catch up, see how she's doing, that's fine. but you shouldn't go in expecting anything.

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Thats about it...


We parted on good terms...then kinda fell apart...somehow. Im not quite certain what happened. We just kinda stopped talking.


We did, however, have a long and good relationship. I've wanted to call her and just check in on her for some time...just to make sure she's ok. I just wasn't sure if it was a good thing to do after all this time....

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It's a good idea if your intentions are true and you do not have any expectations. If calling her will bring back feelings of wanting her to come back to you then I would suggest not bringing that pain on yourself. However, if you know that talking to her will not effect you in any way, shape, or form then go for it. Just beware that she might have a serious bf and you have to also be ready for that. Again, if that poses a problem for you then don't call and save yourself the heartache.

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I would definitely ask yourself: What are your true motives for wanting to be in touch with this girl again? Is it because you were good friends when you were dating? If so, do you really feel that level of friendship can be continued if she *does* have someone new in her life? Are you ready and willing to accept that? Or are you still hanging on to something that "might have been" and just hoping that might have been might be now? If you aren't sure what your intentions are, just call her and see what's up. See how talking to her makes you feel. If no feelings there, then it's not too late (it's never too late to be a good friend, by the way) ... because if I was the girl and if we broke up a long time ago, I would want to hear from you, no matter what was going on in my life.

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Some good points brought up here. Thx.


I don't think there's really anything there tho....just wanted to call her to say 'what's up'. We were pretty good friends for a long time, even after the breakup, so I think it would be kind of nice to at least BS with her...was just concerned because it has been so long......

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If you want to find out if she's okay, then send her a brief and courteous e-mail, text message or card. She will respond if she wants to, possibly in the same format, which is better for you. If she conveys any news that's hard to take, I guarantee you it will be easier for you to learn about it in a letter.

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