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need advice urgent!


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okay so about a week ago i forget the pill two days in a row and had unprotected sex..


these last two days however, i have vommited in the morning without warning and have been suffering nausea and fatigue. i did take a pregnancy text yesterday but it came back negative.


do you think that it is too early to have done a pregnancy test considering it has only been a week? do you think the nausea and vomiting could be a sign of preganacy?


i need helpful advice!!! thanks.

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Then yes it's too early to take a pregnancy test. It would not be able to pick up on a hormone level that low if you were indeed pregnant. Give it some time and try to relax. See what happens in about 10 days, then if you miss your period go ahead and take a pregnancy test.

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To be on the safe side, you could always pick up a package of "plan B" at the pharmacy. No prescription needed if you're 17 or older. It should take care of it, but of it doesn't, you could ask your doctor for a blood hcg test. If that comes up positive, there is a pill you can take to expel the pregnancy. As early as you would be, it would probably be nothing more than a heavy period. Good luck, and try to remember to take your pills.

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To be on the safe side, you could always pick up a package of "plan B" at the pharmacy. No prescription needed if you're 17 or older. It should take care of it, but of it doesn't, you could ask your doctor for a blood hcg test. If that comes up positive, there is a pill you can take to expel the pregnancy. As early as you would be, it would probably be nothing more than a heavy period. Good luck, and try to remember to take your pills.


You can only take Plan B up to 72 hours after unprotected sex or a contraceptive failure.

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If you only had unprotected sex a week ago, I doubt the nausea is from pregnancy (whether you got pregnant or not). Morning sickness doesn't usually kick in for most women until after they've missed a period/confirmed the pregnancy because at that time the hCG hormone levels increase. It is those hormone levels that cause the morning sickness.

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I just read your other thread in which you mentioned that you were already vomiting before you ever even missed a pill or had unprotected sex:


okay so last tuesday i took my pill but vomited a short time after ( im not sure if it was long enough for the pill to be absorbed my body).


Wednesday and thursday i forget it. friday i took two pill to make up for the two days i had missed. Saturday i forget again but remebered 6 pm that night so took it then. sunday and monday i took them both.

You probably have a stomach virus causing all of this.

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If the pregnancy is negative, the likelihood that you'd be sick from the pregnancy hormone (which the test reacts to) is very small. Most people who experience pregnancy nausea do so in response to quickly increasing hCG levels - a test would have picked up on those as well. You should test when you expect your period.

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