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Three Bloody Pounds -Eating Disorder Related-

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They say ED are forms of self injury, so I think adding this piece on here will be alright. If anyone else wants a ED thread, PLEASE contact the moderators. The more interest there is, the more inclined they will be to add one.


I gained...three pounds. THREE. I can't...bloody believe this. I have been working so hard and the week that I start to take a small break, I gain some of it back. At this rate, Ill be lucky to hit my short term goal by late october. The short term is 105-110, the long term 70-80. If you think there is something horribly wrong and want this board deleted, then by all means do it. I don't need everyone breathing down my back about how stupid I am being. I am the strong one. I can resist the temptation of food. I just...hope there is someone else on this site that I can talk to. -sigh- A few comforting words would help. Tomorrow I start a water/juice fast for the next 14-21 days. -sigh- If I made a part in the fall production and I'm this fat...Ill die.

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Hey its ok. Managing your eating habits is NOT easy. There are millions and millions of people who have the exact same problem. So do not feel bad.


I'm not sure I understand what your goals are. Is that what you want your weight to be? If so, I'm curious how tall you are because trying to hit 70-80 pounds sounds really tough. Remember, the best diet plans will only have you losing 1-2 pounds per week and some weeks you may not lose any.


How much weight are you trying to lose?

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Hun that caloric intake is far too low for a teenager. Your body is going into starvation mode from that. Its not healthy to crash the diet so low and its not going to work in the long run. Thats why you saw a weight gain immediately once you started eating normally. Your body is hoarding fat because its afraid you will try to starve it again.


According to the height/weight chart I have - your normal body weight should be around 117-130 or so. Even a little higher if you have a medium or large frame (bone size). So if you are in the 140s you are actually not really overweight. If you wanted to lose 10 pounds I wouldn't say anything. But trying to get down to even 105-110 is not realistic. Certainly down to 70-80 pounds would be extremely unhealthy for you.


A normal calorie intake for you would be around 2,000 calories give or take a few hundred. If you could just eat normally and maybe if you wanted to exercise you would redistribute your weight on your body and that might give you more of the shape you are looking for.


Remember, you aren't a kid anymore. You have an adult body so you will be taking on an adult shape. That takes a little getting used to because your weight will be a lot higher than it was just a couple of years ago. But its completely and totally normal. You are doing just fine.

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I'm not trying to do this as a turn on, sorry darlin. I could honestly care less if some...male saw me as attractive or not and on the female front, if she doesn't line my being thin, then I guess were going to have issues.



Thank you for the sound advice and yes, I know I have an adult body. I am doing this for me and no one else, just me. I have been thin before, then things happened, and I found comfort in food. I am so....disgusted with myself and I know that if I don't lose this weight, Ill be miserable. I want this, I really do. I want to be so close to perfect it hurts.

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Ah but remember - perfection is a subjective thing. What does "perfect" mean? What is a "perfect" body? What would you consider perfect?


Please don't say 70 pounds. Thats not realistic and you will be very sick. That doesn't sound perfect to me.


How about we just make a really small, realistic goal? Like 10 pounds. Thats achievable. Its safe to do that at your current weight. And you will notice an effect. Instead of shooting for losing 40 pounds, lets just say 10 for now. Give yourself a chance at success. Then when you lose the 10, you'll feel good. You won't be beating yourself up shooting for losing 40. Thats just too much to do in one shot.


See how you look after losing 10 pounds. Take a small step. And lets also work on loving yourself while you are trying to lose a little weight. Thats where you will really start to feel good. Love who you are. I know you want to do this for yourself, and thats fine. But lets do it responsibly so that nothing bad happens.


I want you to promise that you won't go below 1000 calories per day. Ok? Anything below that is starvation and will cause your body to shut down. In fact, I'd prefer that you didn't go much below 1500 calories. So keep it between 1000 and 1500 calories per day. Do a little exercising. Just 20 minutes, 3 times per week is plenty. And in a month you will start to see results. Don't try to rush it - it won't work. You need to change eating habits gradually so that your body can adjust.



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I gained...three pounds. THREE. I can't...bloody believe this. I have been working so hard and the week that I start to take a small break, I gain some of it back
Maybe it's muscle mass that you're gaining. A lot of our weight is based on bone/muscle mass and fluid, not fat. Even though you're 140 lbs, that doesn't mean that you're overweight. It could just mean that you have a different bone structure and more muscles.


A lot of our body weight has a lot to do with genetics and our 'lifestyles,' choices that we make on a daily basis. Actually, if you do resort to 'not eating,' you can also start to slow down your metabolism. Go to the dcctor, and get a BMI test, so that you can get an accurate reading of how much fat percentage you have in your body. From the sound of it, I think that this has more to do with what you feel, rather than what you see in the mirror. Your weight might be quite normal.


About 70-80 lbs., for your height, that's not a good thing. Your body will start to literally eat away at itself. You don't want to go into starvation mode like Avman says. My best advice, if you do want to lose weight, and eat healthy, add lots of fruits/veggies to your diet. If you're not a 'fruit' person (no pun intended), I mean, if you don't like eating fruits, then whip out the blender, and blend the fruits that you can drink. That way, you'll be able to lump all of your daily required intakes into one small drink.


Buy frozen fruits and mix it in with 2 tablespoons of any sorbet flavor that you want. That will give your drink a little flavor, by making it taste a little exotic. About the veggies, if you don't want to gain weight from the milk, you can also try adding more brocolli to your diet. Brocolli provides an excellent source for calcium, without the added fat. Boil your brocolli. You can eat it alone. I personally think that it tastes good even without the dressing. So, try to get into a pattern of 'healthy' eating habits, and 'healthy choices.'


Last but not least, don't go by what society labels as 'standard' or 'normal'. Don't go by what you see on magazine covers. That's mainstream. Be proud of who you are. As long as you feel good about yourself, then that's all that matters. But, if by any chance, for those who are actually overweight, it's also important to consider the problems associated with it. Also, do not resort to vommiting your food. The acids that come out, are actually strong enough that it will wear down your teeth and stomach/esophogial lining. Eat healthy, and stay happy. Hope this helps. Take care.

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I really know a lot about weight loss. The best thing to do is walk believe it or not, just diet wont do it. In boot camp i ate like an absolute pig and lost over 50 pounds. The key is to eat a big breakfast, really!, yes really, it makes your metabolism work hard all day long, your lunch should be good size too just be sure your dinner is smaller than your other 2 meals, and never eat past 6:00pm in the evening. Do you really need to lose the weight anyway? I'm sure you are a beautiful girl, If you wanna pm me sometime feel free too. I know how you feel, dont put yourself through losing all that weight unless you really want it for yourself. 70-80 is definitely way to drastic, Ill pray for you, good luck. Peace

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  • 3 weeks later...

i personally agree with you because i too wish to be skinny, except i want to be 90 pounds, not 70 for i could never be that skinny, i have big bones. i am currently like 155 pounds and 5'6" and am very much overweght, and i feel my life would be so very different if i were skinny. i also SI and am trying to get through that to so i can relate to you and i also get pissed off when i gain weight or have not lost enough..... luckily poeple have been telling me they think i have lost weight but i cannot believe, i can only fast for 3 days because my parents notice nad they always complain about me not eating enough and it drives me crazy, i cannot see how they can't care how big they are, and in my eyes i shall always be fat and worhtless... i dont think that will change... and i support you!!

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I'm not going to say that what you are doing to yourself is right or wrong.


But come on.....just think bout it for a moment. 70-80 lbs. Isn't that a lil unrealistic? Once you reach that goal, what's gonna stop you from going down to 50...or 40? Once your body is depleted of sufficient body fat, it's gonna start breaking down your organ tissues for energy.....


And don't say I don't know what it feels like. I absolutely do.....oh God how I do. I had anorexia for over a year and then bulimia.


Before you become angry w/ me just ask yourself one question: Is this how you wanna spend your life? Obsessing over food and and your unrealistic goal for perfection?


I remember quite well how I felt. Absolutely miserable. Every single day was hell. I lost all motivation for the things I used to love and enjoy. Every thing focused on food and my strive to be "perfect."


I can feel your pain. I can sympathize w/ every emotion ,every feeling you must be feeling.

I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm available.

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  • 7 months later...

And I thought I was worried about my weight and had problems (5'7" and 115lbs). But come on, hun. 70 pounds is skin and bones. Imagine all the pain you'll have to go through finding clothing that fits! Sorry I'm not being very serious. But can you answer one question...why is it you want to be so skinny? Don't just say this is for me....yadda yadda yah. Give me a real reason.

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Go here:



This url will tell you the food and drug administration approved way to lose weight safely.


Not eating enough can put you at risk for serious diseases, especially heart disease. Not eating is not the best way to lose weight. It may be the fastest, but think about it. Which option is better? Excersizing and eating healthily, increasing your metabolism so that you can eat more, as long as it's healthy, and still be fit, or not get to eat, and be extremely unhealthy?

I hope you chose the right one. Good luck!

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  • 5 weeks later...

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